module Unison.Merge.Diff
  ( nameBasedNamespaceDiff,

import Data.Either.Combinators (mapRight)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NEL
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NEList
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Semialign (Unalign (..), alignWith)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty qualified as NESet
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Zip qualified as Zip
import U.Codebase.Reference (TypeReference)
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (..))
import Unison.DataDeclaration (Decl)
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DataDeclaration
import Unison.DeclNameLookup (DeclNameLookup)
import Unison.DeclNameLookup qualified as DeclNameLookup
import Unison.Hash (Hash (Hash))
import Unison.Merge.DiffOp (DiffOp (..))
import Unison.Merge.HumanDiffOp (HumanDiffOp (..))
import Unison.Merge.PartialDeclNameLookup (PartialDeclNameLookup (..))
import Unison.Merge.Synhash qualified as Synhash
import Unison.Merge.Synhashed (Synhashed (..))
import Unison.Merge.Synhashed qualified as Synhashed
import Unison.Merge.ThreeWay (ThreeWay (..))
import Unison.Merge.ThreeWay qualified as ThreeWay
import Unison.Merge.TwoWay (TwoWay (..))
import Unison.Merge.Updated (Updated (..))
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude hiding (catMaybes)
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv (PrettyPrintEnv (..))
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.Reference (Reference' (..), TermReference, TermReferenceId, TypeReferenceId)
import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap (BiMultimap)
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap qualified as BiMultimap
import Unison.Util.Defns (Defns (..), DefnsF, DefnsF2, DefnsF3, zipDefnsWith)
import Unison.Util.Defns qualified as Defns
import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
import Unison.Util.Relation qualified as Rel

-- | @nameBasedNamespaceDiff db declNameLookups defns@ returns Alice's and Bob's name-based namespace diffs, each in the
-- form:
-- > terms :: Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed Referent))
-- > types :: Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed TypeReference))
-- where each name is paired with its diff-op (added, deleted, or updated), relative to the LCA between Alice and Bob's
-- branches. If the hash of a name did not change, it will not appear in the map.
nameBasedNamespaceDiff ::
  (HasCallStack) =>
  TwoWay DeclNameLookup ->
  PartialDeclNameLookup ->
  ThreeWay PPED.PrettyPrintEnvDecl ->
  ThreeWay (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)) ->
  Defns (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)) (Map TypeReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)) ->
  ( -- Core diffs, i.e. adds, deletes, and updates which have different synhashes.
    TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference),
    -- Propagated updates, i.e. updates which have the same synhash but different Unison hashes.
    TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
nameBasedNamespaceDiff :: HasCallStack =>
TwoWay DeclNameLookup
-> PartialDeclNameLookup
-> ThreeWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl
-> ThreeWay
     (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> (TwoWay
      (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference),
    TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference))
nameBasedNamespaceDiff TwoWay DeclNameLookup
declNameLookups PartialDeclNameLookup
lcaDeclNameLookup ThreeWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl
ppeds ThreeWay
  (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))
defns Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns =
  let lcaHashes :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
lcaHashes = HasCallStack =>
-> PartialDeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> PartialDeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashLcaDefns PrettyPrintEnv
synhashPPE PartialDeclNameLookup
lcaDeclNameLookup ThreeWay
  (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))
defns.lca Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
      aliceHashes :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
aliceHashes = HasCallStack =>
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashDefns PrettyPrintEnv
synhashPPE Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns TwoWay DeclNameLookup
declNameLookups.alice ThreeWay
  (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))
      bobHashes :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
bobHashes = HasCallStack =>
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashDefns PrettyPrintEnv
synhashPPE Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns TwoWay DeclNameLookup
declNameLookups.bob ThreeWay
  (Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name))
   in (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
forall term typ.
DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
diffHashedNamespaceDefns DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
lcaHashes (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
 -> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
     DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference))
-> TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay
     (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
      DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> TwoWay {$sel:alice:TwoWay :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
alice = DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
aliceHashes, $sel:bob:TwoWay :: DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
bob = DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
  (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
   DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
-> (TwoWay
      (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
       DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
    -> (TwoWay
          (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference),
        TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)))
-> (TwoWay
      (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference),
    TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference))
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& TwoWay
  (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference,
   DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
-> (TwoWay
      (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference),
    TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference))
forall a b. TwoWay (a, b) -> (TwoWay a, TwoWay b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Unzip f => f (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
    synhashPPE :: PPE.PrettyPrintEnv
    synhashPPE :: PrettyPrintEnv
synhashPPE =
      let ThreeWay {$sel:lca:ThreeWay :: forall a. ThreeWay a -> a
lca = PrettyPrintEnv
lcaPPE, $sel:alice:ThreeWay :: forall a. ThreeWay a -> a
alice = PrettyPrintEnv
alicePPE, $sel:bob:ThreeWay :: forall a. ThreeWay a -> a
bob = PrettyPrintEnv
bobPPE} = PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> PrettyPrintEnv
PPED.unsuffixifiedPPE (PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> PrettyPrintEnv)
-> ThreeWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> ThreeWay PrettyPrintEnv
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ThreeWay PrettyPrintEnvDecl
       in PrettyPrintEnv
alicePPE PrettyPrintEnv -> PrettyPrintEnv -> PrettyPrintEnv
`PPE.addFallback` PrettyPrintEnv
bobPPE PrettyPrintEnv -> PrettyPrintEnv -> PrettyPrintEnv
`PPE.addFallback` PrettyPrintEnv

diffHashedNamespaceDefns ::
  DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ ->
  DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ ->
  ( -- Core diffs, i.e. adds, deletes, and updates which have different synhashes.
    DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    -- Propagated updates, i.e. updates which have the same synhash but different Unison hashes.
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ
diffHashedNamespaceDefns :: forall term typ.
DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
diffHashedNamespaceDefns DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
d1 DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
d2 =
  (Map Name (Synhashed term)
 -> Map Name (Synhashed term)
 -> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term)))
-> (Map Name (Synhashed typ)
    -> Map Name (Synhashed typ)
    -> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ)))
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
-> Defns
     (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
     (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
forall tm1 tm2 tm3 ty1 ty2 ty3.
(tm1 -> tm2 -> tm3)
-> (ty1 -> ty2 -> ty3)
-> Defns tm1 ty1
-> Defns tm2 ty2
-> Defns tm3 ty3
zipDefnsWith Map Name (Synhashed term)
-> Map Name (Synhashed term)
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
forall ref.
Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)), Map Name (Updated ref))
f Map Name (Synhashed typ)
-> Map Name (Synhashed typ)
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
forall ref.
Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)), Map Name (Updated ref))
f DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
d1 DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> (Defns
      (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
      (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
    -> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
        DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ))
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Defns
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
forall term typ.
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
    f ::
      Map Name (Synhashed ref) ->
      Map Name (Synhashed ref) ->
      (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)), Map Name (Updated ref))
    f :: forall ref.
Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)), Map Name (Updated ref))
f Map Name (Synhashed ref)
old Map Name (Synhashed ref)
new =
      Map Name (These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref))
-> (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)), Map Name (Updated ref))
forall a b. Map Name (These a b) -> (Map Name a, Map Name b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Unalign f => f (These a b) -> (f a, f b)
unalign (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref)
-> These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref)
forall a b. Either a b -> These a b
eitherToThese (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref)
 -> These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref))
-> (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref))
    -> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref))
-> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref))
-> These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Updated (Synhashed ref) -> Updated ref)
-> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref))
-> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
mapRight ((Synhashed ref -> ref) -> Updated (Synhashed ref) -> Updated ref
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Updated a -> Updated b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Synhashed ref -> ref
forall a. Synhashed a -> a
Synhashed.value) (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref))
 -> These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref))
-> Map
     Name (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref)))
-> Map Name (These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (These (Synhashed ref) (Synhashed ref)
 -> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref)))
-> Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> Map Name (Synhashed ref)
-> Map
     Name (Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref)))
forall a b c.
(These a b -> c) -> Map Name a -> Map Name b -> Map Name c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Semialign f =>
(These a b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
alignWith These (Synhashed ref) (Synhashed ref)
-> Either (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated (Synhashed ref))
forall x. Eq x => These x x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
g Map Name (Synhashed ref)
old Map Name (Synhashed ref)

    g :: (Eq x) => These x x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
    g :: forall x. Eq x => These x x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
g = \case
      This x
old -> DiffOp x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (x -> DiffOp x
forall a. a -> DiffOp a
DiffOp'Delete x
      That x
new -> DiffOp x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (x -> DiffOp x
forall a. a -> DiffOp a
DiffOp'Add x
      These x
old x
        | x
old x -> x -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== x
new -> Updated x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Updated {x
old :: x
$sel:old:Updated :: x
old, x
new :: x
$sel:new:Updated :: x
        | Bool
otherwise -> DiffOp x -> Either (DiffOp x) (Updated x)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (Updated x -> DiffOp x
forall a. Updated a -> DiffOp a
DiffOp'Update Updated {x
old :: x
$sel:old:Updated :: x
old, x
new :: x
$sel:new:Updated :: x

    splitPropagated ::
        ( Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)),
          Map Name (Updated term)
        (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ)) ->
      (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ, DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
    splitPropagated :: forall term typ.
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
  (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed term typ,
    DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated term typ)
splitPropagated Defns {(Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
terms :: (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
$sel:terms:Defns :: forall terms types. Defns terms types -> terms
terms, (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
types :: (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
$sel:types:Defns :: forall terms types. Defns terms types -> types
types} =
      (Defns {$sel:terms:Defns :: Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term))
terms = (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term))
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
terms, $sel:types:Defns :: Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ))
types = (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ))
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
types}, Defns {$sel:terms:Defns :: Map Name (Updated term)
terms = (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
-> Map Name (Updated term)
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed term)), Map Name (Updated term))
terms, $sel:types:Defns :: Map Name (Updated typ)
types = (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))
-> Map Name (Updated typ)
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd (Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed typ)), Map Name (Updated typ))

-- | Post-process a diff to identify relationships humans might care about, such as whether a given addition could be
-- interpreted as an alias of an existing definition, or whether an add and deletion could be a rename.
humanizeDiffs ::
  ThreeWay Names ->
  TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference) ->
  TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference) ->
  TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) HumanDiffOp Referent TypeReference)
humanizeDiffs :: ThreeWay Names
-> TwoWay
     (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) HumanDiffOp Referent TypeReference)
humanizeDiffs ThreeWay Names
names3 TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference)
diffs TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
propagatedUpdates =
  TwoWay (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay
     (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
-> (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
    -> DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference
    -> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference
    -> DefnsF2 (Map Name) HumanDiffOp Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) HumanDiffOp Referent TypeReference)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c d.
Zip f =>
f a -> f b -> f c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f d
zipWithF3 TwoWay (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
nameRelations TwoWay (DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference)
diffs TwoWay (DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference)
propagatedUpdates \DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
relation DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference
diffOps DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference
propagatedUpdates ->
    (Relation Name Referent
 -> Relation Name Referent
 -> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed Referent))
 -> Map Name (Updated Referent)
 -> Map Name (HumanDiffOp Referent))
-> (Relation Name TypeReference
    -> Relation Name TypeReference
    -> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed TypeReference))
    -> Map Name (Updated TypeReference)
    -> Map Name (HumanDiffOp TypeReference))
-> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
-> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
-> DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) HumanDiffOp Referent TypeReference
forall tm1 tm2 tm3 tm4 tm5 ty1 ty2 ty3 ty4 ty5.
(tm1 -> tm2 -> tm3 -> tm4 -> tm5)
-> (ty1 -> ty2 -> ty3 -> ty4 -> ty5)
-> Defns tm1 ty1
-> Defns tm2 ty2
-> Defns tm3 ty3
-> Defns tm4 ty4
-> Defns tm5 ty5
Defns.zipDefnsWith4 Relation Name Referent
-> Relation Name Referent
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed Referent))
-> Map Name (Updated Referent)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp Referent)
forall ref.
(Show ref, Ord ref) =>
Relation Name ref
-> Relation Name ref
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
-> Map Name (Updated ref)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp ref)
computeHumanDiffOp Relation Name TypeReference
-> Relation Name TypeReference
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed TypeReference))
-> Map Name (Updated TypeReference)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp TypeReference)
forall ref.
(Show ref, Ord ref) =>
Relation Name ref
-> Relation Name ref
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
-> Map Name (Updated ref)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp ref)
computeHumanDiffOp DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
lcaRelation DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
relation DefnsF3 (Map Name) DiffOp Synhashed Referent TypeReference
diffOps DefnsF2 (Map Name) Updated Referent TypeReference
    zipWithF3 :: (Zip.Zip f) => f a -> f b -> f c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f d
    zipWithF3 :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b c d.
Zip f =>
f a -> f b -> f c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f d
zipWithF3 f a
a f b
b f c
c a -> b -> c -> d
f = ((a, b) -> c -> d) -> f (a, b) -> f c -> f d
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Zip f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
Zip.zipWith (\(a
x, b
y) c
z -> a -> b -> c -> d
f a
x b
y c
z) (f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
forall a b. f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Zip f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b) f a
a f b
b) f c

    namesToRelations :: Names -> (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
    namesToRelations :: Names -> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
namesToRelations Names
names = Defns {$sel:terms:Defns :: Relation Name Referent
terms = Names -> Relation Name Referent
Names.terms Names
names, $sel:types:Defns :: Relation Name TypeReference
types = Names -> Relation Name TypeReference
Names.types Names

    lcaRelation :: DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
    lcaRelation :: DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
lcaRelation = Names -> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
namesToRelations ThreeWay Names

    nameRelations :: TwoWay (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
    nameRelations :: TwoWay (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
nameRelations = Names -> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference
namesToRelations (Names -> DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
-> TwoWay Names
-> TwoWay (DefnsF (Relation Name) Referent TypeReference)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ThreeWay Names -> TwoWay Names
forall a. ThreeWay a -> TwoWay a
ThreeWay.forgetLca ThreeWay Names

    computeHumanDiffOp ::
      forall ref.
      (Show ref, Ord ref) =>
      Relation Name ref ->
      Relation Name ref ->
      Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) ->
      Map Name (Updated ref) ->
      Map Name (HumanDiffOp ref)
    computeHumanDiffOp :: forall ref.
(Show ref, Ord ref) =>
Relation Name ref
-> Relation Name ref
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
-> Map Name (Updated ref)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp ref)
computeHumanDiffOp Relation Name ref
oldRelation Relation Name ref
newRelation Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
diffs Map Name (Updated ref)
propagatedUpdates = (These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref) -> HumanDiffOp ref)
-> Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
-> Map Name (Updated ref)
-> Map Name (HumanDiffOp ref)
forall a b c.
(These a b -> c) -> Map Name a -> Map Name b -> Map Name c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Semialign f =>
(These a b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
alignWith These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref) -> HumanDiffOp ref
go Map Name (DiffOp (Synhashed ref))
diffs Map Name (Updated ref)
        go :: These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref) -> (HumanDiffOp ref)
        go :: These (DiffOp (Synhashed ref)) (Updated ref) -> HumanDiffOp ref
go = \case
          This DiffOp (Synhashed ref)
diff -> DiffOp ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
humanizeDiffOp (Synhashed ref -> ref
forall a. Synhashed a -> a
Synhashed.value (Synhashed ref -> ref) -> DiffOp (Synhashed ref) -> DiffOp ref
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> DiffOp (Synhashed ref)
          That Updated ref
updated -> Updated ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. Updated ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'PropagatedUpdate Updated ref
          These DiffOp (Synhashed ref)
diff Updated ref
updated -> [Char] -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
reportBug [Char]
"E488729" ([Char]
"The impossible happened, an update in merge was detected as both a propagated AND core update " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ DiffOp (Synhashed ref) -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show DiffOp (Synhashed ref)
diff [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
" and " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Updated ref -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show Updated ref

        humanizeDiffOp :: DiffOp ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
        humanizeDiffOp :: DiffOp ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
humanizeDiffOp = \case
          DiffOp'Add ref
ref ->
            -- This name is newly added. We need to check if it's a new definition, an alias, or a rename.
            case Set Name -> [Name]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList (ref -> Relation Name ref -> Set Name
forall b a. Ord b => b -> Relation a b -> Set a
Rel.lookupRan ref
ref Relation Name ref
oldRelation) of
              -- No old names for this ref, so it's a new addition not an alias
              [] -> ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'Add ref
              -- There are old names for this ref, but not old refs for this name, so it's
              -- either a new alias or a rename.
              -- If at least one old name for this ref no longer exists, we treat it like a
              -- rename.
n : [Name]
ns) -> do
                let existingNames :: NESet Name
existingNames = NonEmpty Name -> NESet Name
forall a. Ord a => NonEmpty a -> NESet a
NESet.fromList (Name
n Name -> [Name] -> NonEmpty Name
forall a. a -> [a] -> NonEmpty a
NEList.:| [Name]
                case Set Name -> Maybe (NESet Name)
forall a. Set a -> Maybe (NESet a)
NESet.nonEmptySet (ref -> Relation Name ref -> Set Name
forall b a. Ord b => b -> Relation a b -> Set a
Rel.lookupRan ref
ref Relation Name ref
newRelation) of
                  Maybe (NESet Name)
Nothing -> [Char] -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
reportBug [Char]
"E458329" ([Char]
"Expected to find at least one name for ref in new namespace, since we found the ref by the name."))
                  Just NESet Name
allNewNames ->
                    case Set Name -> Maybe (NESet Name)
forall a. Set a -> Maybe (NESet a)
NESet.nonEmptySet (NESet Name -> NESet Name -> Set Name
forall a. Ord a => NESet a -> NESet a -> Set a
NESet.difference NESet Name
existingNames NESet Name
allNewNames) of
                      -- If all the old names still exist in the new namespace, it's a new alias.
                      Maybe (NESet Name)
Nothing -> ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'AliasOf ref
ref NESet Name
                      -- Otherwise, treat it as a rename.
                      Just NESet Name
namesWhichDisappeared ->
                        ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'RenamedFrom ref
ref NESet Name
          DiffOp'Delete ref
ref ->
            case [Name] -> Maybe (NonEmpty Name)
forall a. [a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
NEL.nonEmpty ([Name] -> Maybe (NonEmpty Name))
-> [Name] -> Maybe (NonEmpty Name)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Name -> [Name]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList (ref -> Relation Name ref -> Set Name
forall b a. Ord b => b -> Relation a b -> Set a
Rel.lookupRan ref
ref Relation Name ref
newRelation) of
              -- No names for this ref, it was removed.
              Maybe (NonEmpty Name)
Nothing -> ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'Delete ref
              Just NonEmpty Name
newNames -> ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. ref -> NESet Name -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'RenamedTo ref
ref (NonEmpty Name -> NESet Name
forall a. Ord a => NonEmpty a -> NESet a
NESet.fromList NonEmpty Name
          DiffOp'Update Updated {ref
$sel:old:Updated :: forall a. Updated a -> a
old :: ref
old, ref
$sel:new:Updated :: forall a. Updated a -> a
new :: ref
new} -> Updated ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
forall ref. Updated ref -> HumanDiffOp ref
HumanDiffOp'Update Updated {ref
$sel:old:Updated :: ref
old :: ref
old, ref
$sel:new:Updated :: ref
new :: ref

-- Syntactic hashing

synhashLcaDefns ::
  (HasCallStack) =>
  PrettyPrintEnv ->
  PartialDeclNameLookup ->
  Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name) ->
  Defns (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)) (Map TypeReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)) ->
  DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashLcaDefns :: HasCallStack =>
-> PartialDeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashLcaDefns PrettyPrintEnv
ppe PartialDeclNameLookup
declNameLookup Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
defns Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns =
  (Name -> Referent -> Hash)
-> (Name -> TypeReference -> Hash)
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
forall term typ.
HasCallStack =>
(Name -> term -> Hash)
-> (Name -> typ -> Hash)
-> Defns (BiMultimap term Name) (BiMultimap typ Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
synhashDefnsWith Name -> Referent -> Hash
hashReferent Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
hashType Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
    -- For the LCA only, if we don't have a name for every constructor, or we don't have a name for a decl, that's okay,
    -- just use a dummy syntactic hash (e.g. where we return `Hash mempty` below in two places).
    -- This is safe and correct; Alice/Bob can't have such a decl (it violates a merge precondition), so there's no risk
    -- that we accidentally get an equal hash and classify a real update as unchanged.

    hashReferent :: Name -> Referent -> Hash
    hashReferent :: Name -> Referent -> Hash
hashReferent Name
name = \case
      Referent.Con (ConstructorReference TypeReference
ref ConstructorId
_) ConstructorType
_ ->
        case Name -> Map Name Name -> Maybe Name
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup Name
name PartialDeclNameLookup
declNameLookup.constructorToDecl of
          Maybe Name
Nothing -> ShortByteString -> Hash
Hash ShortByteString
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty -- see note above
          Just Name
declName -> Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
hashType Name
declName TypeReference
      Referent.Ref TypeReference
ref -> HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TypeReference -> Hash
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TypeReference -> Hash
synhashTermReference PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns.terms TypeReference

    hashType :: Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
    hashType :: Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
hashType Name
name = \case
      ReferenceBuiltin Text
builtin -> Text -> Hash
Synhash.synhashBuiltinDecl Text
      ReferenceDerived TermReferenceId
ref ->
        case [Maybe Name] -> Maybe [Name]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m (t a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequence (PartialDeclNameLookup
declNameLookup.declToConstructors Map Name [Maybe Name] -> Name -> [Maybe Name]
forall k a. Ord k => Map k a -> k -> a
Map.! Name
name) of
          Maybe [Name]
Nothing -> ShortByteString -> Hash
Hash ShortByteString
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty -- see note above
          Just [Name]
names -> HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> [Name]
-> Name
-> TermReferenceId
-> Hash
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> [Name]
-> Name
-> TermReferenceId
-> Hash
synhashDerivedDecl PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns.types [Name]
names Name
name TermReferenceId

synhashDefns ::
  (HasCallStack) =>
  PrettyPrintEnv ->
  Defns (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)) (Map TypeReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)) ->
  DeclNameLookup ->
  Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name) ->
  DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashDefns :: HasCallStack =>
-> Defns
     (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
     (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
-> DeclNameLookup
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
synhashDefns PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns DeclNameLookup
declNameLookup =
  (Name -> Referent -> Hash)
-> (Name -> TypeReference -> Hash)
-> Defns (BiMultimap Referent Name) (BiMultimap TypeReference Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed Referent TypeReference
forall term typ.
HasCallStack =>
(Name -> term -> Hash)
-> (Name -> typ -> Hash)
-> Defns (BiMultimap term Name) (BiMultimap typ Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
synhashDefnsWith Name -> Referent -> Hash
hashReferent Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
    hashReferent :: Name -> Referent -> Hash
    hashReferent :: Name -> Referent -> Hash
hashReferent Name
name = \case
      -- We say that a referent constructor *in the namespace* (distinct from a referent that is in a term body) has a
      -- synhash that is simply equal to the synhash of its type declaration. This is because the type declaration and
      -- constructors are changed in lock-step: it is not possible to change one, but not the other.
      -- For example, if Alice updates `type Foo = Bar Nat` to `type Foo = Bar Nat Nat`, we want different synhashes on
      -- both the type (Foo) and the constructor (Foo.Bar).
      Referent.Con (ConstructorReference TypeReference
ref ConstructorId
_) ConstructorType
_ -> Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
hashType (HasCallStack => DeclNameLookup -> Name -> Name
DeclNameLookup -> Name -> Name
DeclNameLookup.expectDeclName DeclNameLookup
declNameLookup Name
name) TypeReference
      Referent.Ref TypeReference
ref -> HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TypeReference -> Hash
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TypeReference -> Hash
synhashTermReference PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns.terms TypeReference

    hashType :: Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
    hashType :: Name -> TypeReference -> Hash
hashType Name
name = \case
      ReferenceBuiltin Text
builtin -> Text -> Hash
Synhash.synhashBuiltinDecl Text
      ReferenceDerived TermReferenceId
ref ->
        HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> [Name]
-> Name
-> TermReferenceId
-> Hash
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> [Name]
-> Name
-> TermReferenceId
-> Hash
synhashDerivedDecl PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Defns
  (Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann))
  (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann))
hydratedDefns.types (HasCallStack => DeclNameLookup -> Name -> [Name]
DeclNameLookup -> Name -> [Name]
DeclNameLookup.expectConstructorNames DeclNameLookup
declNameLookup Name
name) Name
name TermReferenceId

synhashDerivedDecl ::
  (HasCallStack) =>
  PrettyPrintEnv ->
  Map TypeReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) ->
  [Name] ->
  Name ->
  TypeReferenceId ->
synhashDerivedDecl :: HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> [Name]
-> Name
-> TermReferenceId
-> Hash
synhashDerivedDecl PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
declsById [Name]
names Name
name TermReferenceId
ref =
  Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
    Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
-> (Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann)
-> Decl Symbol Ann
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann
expectDecl TermReferenceId
    Decl Symbol Ann
-> (Decl Symbol Ann -> Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [Symbol] -> Decl Symbol Ann -> Decl Symbol Ann
forall v a. [v] -> Decl v a -> Decl v a
DataDeclaration.setConstructorNames ((Name -> Symbol) -> [Name] -> [Symbol]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Name -> Symbol
forall v. Var v => Name -> v
Name.toVar [Name]
    Decl Symbol Ann -> (Decl Symbol Ann -> Hash) -> Hash
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& PrettyPrintEnv -> Name -> Decl Symbol Ann -> Hash
forall v a. Var v => PrettyPrintEnv -> Name -> Decl v a -> Hash
Synhash.synhashDerivedDecl PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Name

synhashTermReference :: (HasCallStack) => PrettyPrintEnv -> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TermReference -> Hash
synhashTermReference :: HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> TypeReference -> Hash
synhashTermReference PrettyPrintEnv
ppe Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)
termsById = \case
  ReferenceBuiltin Text
builtin -> Text -> Hash
Synhash.synhashBuiltinTerm Text
  ReferenceDerived TermReferenceId
ref -> PrettyPrintEnv -> Term Symbol Ann -> Hash
forall v a. Var v => PrettyPrintEnv -> Term v a -> Hash
Synhash.synhashDerivedTerm PrettyPrintEnv
ppe (HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> Term Symbol Ann
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> Term Symbol Ann
expectTerm TermReferenceId
ref Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)

synhashDefnsWith ::
  (HasCallStack) =>
  (Name -> term -> Hash) ->
  (Name -> typ -> Hash) ->
  Defns (BiMultimap term Name) (BiMultimap typ Name) ->
  DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
synhashDefnsWith :: forall term typ.
HasCallStack =>
(Name -> term -> Hash)
-> (Name -> typ -> Hash)
-> Defns (BiMultimap term Name) (BiMultimap typ Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
synhashDefnsWith Name -> term -> Hash
hashTerm Name -> typ -> Hash
hashType = do
  (BiMultimap term Name -> Map Name (Synhashed term))
-> (BiMultimap typ Name -> Map Name (Synhashed typ))
-> Defns (BiMultimap term Name) (BiMultimap typ Name)
-> DefnsF2 (Map Name) Synhashed term typ
forall a b c d. (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Defns a c -> Defns b d
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) a b c d.
Bifunctor p =>
(a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
    ((Name -> term -> Synhashed term)
-> Map Name term -> Map Name (Synhashed term)
forall k a b. (k -> a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
Map.mapWithKey Name -> term -> Synhashed term
hashTerm1 (Map Name term -> Map Name (Synhashed term))
-> (BiMultimap term Name -> Map Name term)
-> BiMultimap term Name
-> Map Name (Synhashed term)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. BiMultimap term Name -> Map Name term
forall a b. BiMultimap a b -> Map b a
    ((Name -> typ -> Synhashed typ)
-> Map Name typ -> Map Name (Synhashed typ)
forall k a b. (k -> a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
Map.mapWithKey Name -> typ -> Synhashed typ
hashType1 (Map Name typ -> Map Name (Synhashed typ))
-> (BiMultimap typ Name -> Map Name typ)
-> BiMultimap typ Name
-> Map Name (Synhashed typ)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. BiMultimap typ Name -> Map Name typ
forall a b. BiMultimap a b -> Map b a
    hashTerm1 :: Name -> term -> Synhashed term
hashTerm1 Name
name term
term =
      Hash -> term -> Synhashed term
forall a. Hash -> a -> Synhashed a
Synhashed (Name -> term -> Hash
hashTerm Name
name term
term) term

    hashType1 :: Name -> typ -> Synhashed typ
hashType1 Name
name typ
typ =
      Hash -> typ -> Synhashed typ
forall a. Hash -> a -> Synhashed a
Synhashed (Name -> typ -> Hash
hashType Name
name typ
typ) typ

-- Looking up terms and decls that we expect to be there

expectTerm :: (HasCallStack) => TermReferenceId -> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> Term Symbol Ann
expectTerm :: HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> Term Symbol Ann
expectTerm TermReferenceId
ref Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)
termsById =
  case TermReferenceId
-> Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> Maybe (Term Symbol Ann)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup TermReferenceId
ref Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)
termsById of
    Maybe (Term Symbol Ann)
Nothing -> [Char] -> Term Symbol Ann
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
reportBug [Char]
"E488229" ([Char]
"term ref " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ TermReferenceId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show TermReferenceId
ref [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
" not found in map " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann) -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show Map TermReferenceId (Term Symbol Ann)
    Just Term Symbol Ann
term -> Term Symbol Ann

expectDecl :: (HasCallStack) => TypeReferenceId -> Map TypeReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann
expectDecl :: HasCallStack =>
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Decl Symbol Ann
expectDecl TermReferenceId
ref Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
declsById =
  case TermReferenceId
-> Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> Maybe (Decl Symbol Ann)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup TermReferenceId
ref Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
declsById of
    Maybe (Decl Symbol Ann)
Nothing -> [Char] -> Decl Symbol Ann
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
reportBug [Char]
"E663160" ([Char]
"type ref " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ TermReferenceId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show TermReferenceId
ref [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
" not found in map " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann) -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show Map TermReferenceId (Decl Symbol Ann)
    Just Decl Symbol Ann
decl -> Decl Symbol Ann