module Unison.Merge.HumanDiffOp
  ( HumanDiffOp (..),

import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Unison.Merge.Updated (Updated)
import Unison.Name (Name)

-- | A diff operation is one of:
--   * An add (where nothing was)
--   * A delete (of the thing that was)
--   * An update (from old to new)
--   * A propagated update (from old to new)
--   * An alias of some definition(s) on the other side
--   * A rename from some definition(s) on the other side
data HumanDiffOp ref
  = HumanDiffOp'Add !ref
  | HumanDiffOp'Delete !ref
  | HumanDiffOp'Update !(Updated ref)
  | HumanDiffOp'PropagatedUpdate !(Updated ref)
  | HumanDiffOp'AliasOf !ref !(NESet Name {- existing names -})
  | -- The definition at this location was renamed from the given set of names to the current place
    HumanDiffOp'RenamedFrom !ref !(NESet Name)
  | -- The definition at this location was renamed to the given set of names from the current place
    HumanDiffOp'RenamedTo !ref !(NESet Name)
  deriving stock (Int -> HumanDiffOp ref -> ShowS
[HumanDiffOp ref] -> ShowS
HumanDiffOp ref -> String
(Int -> HumanDiffOp ref -> ShowS)
-> (HumanDiffOp ref -> String)
-> ([HumanDiffOp ref] -> ShowS)
-> Show (HumanDiffOp ref)
forall ref. Show ref => Int -> HumanDiffOp ref -> ShowS
forall ref. Show ref => [HumanDiffOp ref] -> ShowS
forall ref. Show ref => HumanDiffOp ref -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: forall ref. Show ref => Int -> HumanDiffOp ref -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> HumanDiffOp ref -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall ref. Show ref => HumanDiffOp ref -> String
show :: HumanDiffOp ref -> String
$cshowList :: forall ref. Show ref => [HumanDiffOp ref] -> ShowS
showList :: [HumanDiffOp ref] -> ShowS