{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module: Optics.Generic
-- Description: Data access via the 'Generic' type class.
-- This module provides, for data types having a 'Generic' instance, a way to
-- focus on:
-- - their named total fields via 'gfield',
-- - their named partial fields via 'gafield',
-- - their constructors via 'gconstructor',
-- - their fields at a specific position via 'gposition',
-- - their fields of a specific type via 'gplate'.
-- /Note:/ 'gfield' and 'gconstructor' are supported by
-- 'Optics.Label.labelOptic' and can be used with a consise syntax via
-- @OverloadedLabels@.
-- If you're looking for optics for working with a generic representation of a
-- data type, there's "GHC.Generics.Optics".
module Optics.Generic
  -- * Fields
  , GAffineField(..)

  -- * Positions
  , GPosition(..)

  -- * Constructors
  , GConstructor(..)

  -- * Types
  , GPlate(..)
  ) where

import Data.Type.Bool
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Rep)
import GHC.TypeLits

import Optics.AffineTraversal
import Optics.Internal.Generic
import Optics.Internal.Magic
import Optics.Internal.Optic
import Optics.Lens
import Optics.Prism
import Optics.Traversal

-- | Hidden type for preventing GHC from solving constraints too early.
data Void0

-- | Focus on a field @name@ of type @a@ within a type @s@ using its 'Generic'
-- instance.
-- >>> :{
-- data User a
--   = User { name :: String
--          , age  :: a
--          }
--   | LazyUser { name :: String
--              , age  :: a
--              , lazy :: Bool
--              }
--   deriving (Show, Generic)
-- :}
-- >>> let user = User "Tom" 32 :: User Int
-- >>> user ^. gfield @"name"
-- "Tom"
-- >>> user ^. gfield @"age"
-- 32
-- >>> user ^. gfield @"salary"
-- ...
-- ...Data constructor ‘User’ doesn't have a field named ‘salary’
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- Only total fields are accessible (for partial ones see 'gafield'):
-- >>> user ^. gfield @"lazy"
-- ...
-- ...Data constructor ‘User’ doesn't have a field named ‘lazy’
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- Type changing updates are supported:
-- >>> user & gfield @"age" .~ ()
-- User {name = "Tom", age = ()}
-- Types without a 'Generic' instance are not supported:
-- >>> NoG 'x' ^. gfield @"any"
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘NoG’ doesn't have a Generic instance
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- /Note:/ 'gfield' is supported by 'Optics.Label.labelOptic' and can be used
-- with a concise syntax via @OverloadedLabels@.
-- >>> user ^. #name
-- "Tom"
-- >>> user & #age %~ (+1)
-- User {name = "Tom", age = 33}
-- @since 0.4
class GField (name :: Symbol) s t a b | name s -> t a b
                                      , name t -> s a b where
  gfield :: Lens s t a b

instance GFieldContext name s t a b => GField name s t a b where
  gfield :: Lens s t a b
gfield = forall (name :: Symbol) s t a b.
GFieldImpl name s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
gfieldImpl @name

-- | Hide implementation from haddock.
type GFieldContext name s t a b =
  ( s `HasShapeOf` t
  , t `HasShapeOf` s
  , Unless (Defined (Rep s)) (NoGenericError s)
  , Unless (Defined (Rep t)) (NoGenericError t)
  , GFieldImpl name s t a b
  , Dysfunctional name () s t a b

-- | Hidden instance.
instance (a ~ Void0, b ~ Void0) => GField name Void0 Void0 a b where
  gfield :: Lens Void0 Void0 a b
gfield = LensVL Void0 Void0 a b -> Lens Void0 Void0 a b
forall s t a b. LensVL s t a b -> Lens s t a b
lensVL (a -> f b) -> a -> f b
(a -> f b) -> Void0 -> f Void0
forall a. a -> a
LensVL Void0 Void0 a b

-- | Focus on a possibly partial field @name@ of type @a@ within a type @s@
-- using its 'Generic' instance.
-- >>> :{
-- data Fish = Herring { name :: String }
--           | Tuna    { name :: String, sleeping :: Bool }
--   deriving Generic
-- :}
-- >>> let herring = Herring { name = "Henry" }
-- >>> let tuna    = Tuna { name = "Tony", sleeping = True }
-- >>> herring ^? gafield @"name"
-- Just "Henry"
-- >>> herring ^? gafield @"sleeping"
-- Nothing
-- >>> tuna ^? gafield @"sleeping"
-- Just True
-- Types without a 'Generic' instance are not supported:
-- >>> NoG 'x' ^? gafield @"any"
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘NoG’ doesn't have a Generic instance
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- /Note:/ trying to access a field that doesn't exist in any data constructor
-- results in an error:
-- >>> tuna ^? gafield @"salary"
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘Fish’ doesn't have a field named ‘salary’
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- @since 0.4
class GAffineField (name :: Symbol) s t a b | name s -> t a b
                                            , name t -> s a b where
  gafield :: AffineTraversal s t a b

instance GAFieldContext repDefined name s t a b => GAffineField name s t a b where
  gafield :: AffineTraversal s t a b
gafield = forall (repDefined :: Bool) (name :: Symbol) s t a b.
GAffineFieldImpl repDefined name s t a b =>
AffineTraversal s t a b
gafieldImpl @repDefined @name

-- | Hide implementation from haddock.
type GAFieldContext repDefined name s t a b =
  ( s `HasShapeOf` t
  , t `HasShapeOf` s
  , repDefined ~ (Defined (Rep s) && Defined (Rep t))
  , Unless (Defined (Rep s)) (NoGenericError s)
  , Unless (Defined (Rep t)) (NoGenericError t)
  , GAffineFieldImpl repDefined name s t a b
  , Dysfunctional name () s t a b

-- | Hidden instance.
instance (a ~ Void0, b ~ Void0) => GAffineField name Void0 Void0 a b where
  gafield :: AffineTraversal Void0 Void0 a b
gafield = AffineTraversalVL Void0 Void0 a b
-> AffineTraversal Void0 Void0 a b
forall s t a b.
AffineTraversalVL s t a b -> AffineTraversal s t a b
atraversalVL (\forall r. r -> f r
_ a -> f b
_ -> \case {})

-- | Focus on a field at position @n@ of type @a@ within a type @s@ using its
-- 'Generic' instance.
-- >>> ('a', 'b', 'c') ^. gposition @2
-- 'b'
-- >>> ('a', 'b') & gposition @1 .~ "hi" & gposition @2 .~ "there"
-- ("hi","there")
-- >>> ('a', 'b', 'c') ^. gposition @4
-- ...
-- ...Data constructor ‘(,,)’ has 3 fields, 4th requested
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- >>> () ^. gposition @1
-- ...
-- ...Data constructor ‘()’ has no fields, 1st requested
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- Types without a 'Generic' instance are not supported:
-- >>> NoG 'x' ^. gposition @1
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘NoG’ doesn't have a Generic instance
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- /Note:/ Positions start from @1@:
-- >>> ('a', 'b') ^. gposition @0
-- ...
-- ...There is no 0th position
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- @since 0.4
class GPosition (n :: Nat) s t a b | n s -> t a b
                                   , n t -> s a b where
  gposition :: Lens s t a b

instance GPositionContext repDefined n s t a b => GPosition n s t a b where
  gposition :: Lens s t a b
gposition = forall (repDefined :: Bool) (n :: Nat) s t a b.
GPositionImpl repDefined n s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
gpositionImpl @repDefined @n

-- | Hide implementation from haddock.
type GPositionContext repDefined n s t a b =
  ( s `HasShapeOf` t
  , t `HasShapeOf` s
  , repDefined ~ (Defined (Rep s) && Defined (Rep t))
  , Unless (Defined (Rep s)) (NoGenericError s)
  , Unless (Defined (Rep t)) (NoGenericError t)
  , GPositionImpl repDefined n s t a b
  , Dysfunctional n () s t a b

-- | Hidden instance.
instance (a ~ Void0, b ~ Void0) => GPosition name Void0 Void0 a b where
  gposition :: Lens Void0 Void0 a b
gposition = LensVL Void0 Void0 a b -> Lens Void0 Void0 a b
forall s t a b. LensVL s t a b -> Lens s t a b
lensVL (a -> f b) -> a -> f b
(a -> f b) -> Void0 -> f Void0
forall a. a -> a
LensVL Void0 Void0 a b

-- | Focus on a constructor @name@ of a type @s@ using its 'Generic' instance.
-- >>> :{
-- data Animal = Dog { name :: String, age :: Int }
--             | Cat { name :: String, purrs :: Bool }
--   deriving (Show, Generic)
-- :}
-- >>> let dog = Dog "Sparky" 2
-- >>> let cat = Cat "Cuddly" True
-- >>> dog ^? gconstructor @"Dog"
-- Just ("Sparky",2)
-- >>> dog ^? gconstructor @"Cat"
-- Nothing
-- >>> cat & gconstructor @"Cat" % _2 %~ not
-- Cat {name = "Cuddly", purrs = False}
-- >>> dog & gconstructor @"Cat" % _1 .~ "Merry"
-- Dog {name = "Sparky", age = 2}
-- >>> cat ^? gconstructor @"Parrot"
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘Animal’ doesn't have a constructor named ‘Parrot’
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- Types without a 'Generic' instance are not supported:
-- >>> NoG 'x' ^. gconstructor @"NoG"
-- ...
-- ...Type ‘NoG’ doesn't have a Generic instance
-- ...In the...
-- ...
-- /Note:/ 'gconstructor' is supported by 'Optics.Label.labelOptic' and can be
-- used with a concise syntax via @OverloadedLabels@.
-- >>> dog ^? #_Dog
-- Just ("Sparky",2)
-- >>> cat & #_Cat % _1 .~ "Merry"
-- Cat {name = "Merry", purrs = True}
-- @since 0.4
class GConstructor (name :: Symbol) s t a b | name s -> t a b
                                            , name t -> s a b where
  gconstructor :: Prism s t a b

instance GConstructorContext repDefined name s t a b => GConstructor name s t a b where
  gconstructor :: Prism s t a b
gconstructor = forall (repDefined :: Bool) (name :: Symbol) s t a b.
GConstructorImpl repDefined name s t a b =>
Prism s t a b
gconstructorImpl @repDefined @name

-- | Hide implementation from haddock.
type GConstructorContext repDefined name s t a b =
  ( s `HasShapeOf` t
  , t `HasShapeOf` s
  , repDefined ~ (Defined (Rep s) && Defined (Rep t))
  , Unless (Defined (Rep s)) (NoGenericError s)
  , Unless (Defined (Rep t)) (NoGenericError t)
  , GConstructorImpl repDefined name s t a b
  , Dysfunctional name () s t a b
-- | Hidden instance.
instance (a ~ Void0, b ~ Void0) => GConstructor name Void0 Void0 a b where
  gconstructor :: Prism Void0 Void0 a b
gconstructor = (b -> Void0) -> (Void0 -> Either Void0 a) -> Prism Void0 Void0 a b
forall b t s a. (b -> t) -> (s -> Either t a) -> Prism s t a b
prism b -> b
b -> Void0
forall a. a -> a
id (\case {})

-- | Traverse occurrences of a type @a@ within a type @s@ using its 'Generic'
-- instance.
-- >>> toListOf (gplate @Char) ('h', ((), 'e', Just 'l'), "lo")
-- "hello"
-- If @a@ occurs recursively in its own definition, only outermost occurrences
-- of @a@ within @s@ will be traversed:
-- >>> toListOf (gplate @String) ("one","two")
-- ["one","two"]
-- /Note:/ types without a 'Generic' instance in scope when 'GPlate' class
-- constraint is resolved will not be entered during the traversal.
-- >>> let noG = (NoG 'n', (Just 'i', "c"), 'e')
-- >>> toListOf (gplate @Char) noG
-- "ice"
-- >>> deriving instance Generic NoG
-- >>> toListOf (gplate @Char) noG
-- "nice"
-- @since 0.4
class GPlate a s where
  gplate :: Traversal' s a

instance GPlateContext a s => GPlate a s where
  gplate :: Traversal' s a
gplate = TraversalVL s s a a -> Traversal' s a
forall s t a b. TraversalVL s t a b -> Traversal s t a b
traversalVL (forall (repDefined :: Bool) s a.
GPlateInner repDefined s a =>
TraversalVL' s a
gplateInner @'True)
  {-# INLINE gplate #-}

-- | Hide implementation from haddock.
type GPlateContext a s =
  ( Generic s
  , GPlateImpl (Rep s) a

-- | Hidden instance.
instance GPlate a Void0 where
  gplate :: Traversal' Void0 a
gplate = [Char] -> Traversal' Void0 a
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
-- | Hidden instance.
instance GPlate Void0 a where
  gplate :: Traversal' a Void0
gplate = [Char] -> Traversal' a Void0
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XDeriveGeneric -XStandaloneDeriving -XOverloadedLabels
-- >>> import Optics.Core
-- >>> newtype NoG = NoG { fromNoG :: Char }