{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Witch.Instances where

import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LazyChar8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as ShortByteString
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Complex as Complex
import qualified Data.Fixed as Fixed
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Int as Int
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Ratio as Ratio
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Tagged as Tagged
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LazyText
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.TAI as Time
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified GHC.Float as Float
import qualified Numeric
import qualified Numeric.Natural as Natural
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe
import qualified Witch.Encoding as Encoding
import qualified Witch.From as From
import qualified Witch.TryFrom as TryFrom
import qualified Witch.TryFromException as TryFromException
import qualified Witch.Utility as Utility

-- | Uses 'id'.
instance From.From a a where
  from :: a -> a
from = a -> a
forall a. a -> a

-- Int8

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Int.Int16 where
  from :: Int8 -> Int16
from = Int8 -> Int16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Int.Int32 where
  from :: Int8 -> Int32
from = Int8 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Int8 -> Int64
from = Int8 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Int where
  from :: Int8 -> Int
from = Int8 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Integer where
  from :: Int8 -> Integer
from = Int8 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int8 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int8 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Maybe Word32)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int8 -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Maybe Word64)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int8 -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Word where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Maybe Word)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int8 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int8 Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Natural) Natural
tryFrom = (Int8 -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Int8 -> Either (TryFromException Int8 Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Int8 -> Either ArithException Natural
forall s t. (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either ArithException t

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Float where
  from :: Int8 -> Float
from = Int8 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int8 Double where
  from :: Int8 -> Double
from = Int8 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Int16

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Int.Int32 where
  from :: Int16 -> Int32
from = Int16 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Int16 -> Int64
from = Int16 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Int where
  from :: Int16 -> Int
from = Int16 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Integer where
  from :: Int16 -> Integer
from = Int16 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Word32)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Word64)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Word where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Maybe Word)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int16 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int16 Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Natural) Natural
tryFrom = (Int16 -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Int16 -> Either (TryFromException Int16 Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Int16 -> Either ArithException Natural
forall s t. (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either ArithException t

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Float where
  from :: Int16 -> Float
from = Int16 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int16 Double where
  from :: Int16 -> Double
from = Int16 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Int32

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Int16)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int32 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Int32 -> Int64
from = Int32 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Int where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int) Int
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Int)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int32 Integer where
  from :: Int32 -> Integer
from = Int32 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Word32)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Word64)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Word where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Maybe Word)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int32 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Natural) Natural
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Int32 -> Either ArithException Natural
forall s t. (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either ArithException t

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -16,777,215 and 16,777,215
-- inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int32 Float where
  tryFrom :: Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Float) Float
tryFrom = (Int32 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int32 -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Int32 -> Either (TryFromException Int32 Float) Float)
-> (Int32 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int32
-> Either (TryFromException Int32 Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int32
s ->
    if Int32
s Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Int32
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Int32
s Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int32
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int32 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int32

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int32 Double where
  from :: Int32 -> Double
from = Int32 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Int64

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Int16)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Int32)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Int where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int) Int
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Int)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int.Int64 Integer where
  from :: Int64 -> Integer
from = Int64 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Word32)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Word64)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Word where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Maybe Word)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int64 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Natural.Natural where
  -- This should use @eitherTryFrom fromNonNegativeIntegral@, but that causes
  -- a bug in GHC 9.0.1.
  -- https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2021-March/133540.html
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Natural) Natural
tryFrom =
    (Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural)
 -> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Natural) Natural)
-> (Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural)
-> Int64
-> Either (TryFromException Int64 Natural) Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int64
s -> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural
forall source target.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
TryFrom.tryFrom (Int64 -> Integer
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from Int64
s :: Integer)

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -16,777,215 and 16,777,215
-- inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Float where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Float) Float
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int64 -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Float) Float)
-> (Int64 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int64
-> Either (TryFromException Int64 Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int64
s ->
    if Int64
s Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Int64
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Int64
s Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int64
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int64 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int64

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -9,007,199,254,740,991 and
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991 inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int.Int64 Double where
  tryFrom :: Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Double) Double
tryFrom = (Int64 -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int64 -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Int64 -> Either (TryFromException Int64 Double) Double)
-> (Int64 -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Int64
-> Either (TryFromException Int64 Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int64
s ->
    if Int64
s Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Int64
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Int64
s Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int64
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int64 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int64

-- Int

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Int8)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Int16)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Int32)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int Int.Int64 where
  from :: Int -> Int64
from = Int -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Int Integer where
  from :: Int -> Integer
from = Int -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Word8)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Word16)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Word32)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Word64)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Word where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word) Word
tryFrom = (Int -> Maybe Word)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Int -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Natural) Natural
tryFrom = (Int -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Int -> Either ArithException Natural
forall s t. (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either ArithException t

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -16,777,215 and 16,777,215
-- inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Float where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Float) Float
tryFrom = (Int -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Float) Float)
-> (Int -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Int
-> Either (TryFromException Int Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int
s ->
    if Int
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Int
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Int
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -9,007,199,254,740,991 and
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991 inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Int Double where
  tryFrom :: Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Double) Double
tryFrom = (Int -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Int -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Int -> Either (TryFromException Int Double) Double)
-> (Int -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Int
-> Either (TryFromException Int Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int
s ->
    if Int -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger (Int
forall a. Bounded a => a
maxBound :: Int) Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Integer
forall a. Num a => a
      then Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
        if Int
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Int
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
            if Int
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
forall a. Num a => a
              then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
              else Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

-- Integer

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Int8)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Int16)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Int32)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int64) Int64
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Int64)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int64) Int64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Int64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Int where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int) Int
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Int)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Word8)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Word16)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Word32)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Word64)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Word where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word) Word
tryFrom = (Integer -> Maybe Word)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Integer -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromInteger' when the input is not negative.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Natural.Natural where
  -- This should use @eitherTryFrom fromNonNegativeIntegral@, but that causes
  -- a bug in GHC 9.0.1. By inlining @fromNonNegativeIntegral@ and replacing
  -- @fromIntegral@ with @fromInteger@, we can work around the bug.
  -- https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2021-March/133540.html
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural
tryFrom = (Integer -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Integer -> Either ArithException Natural)
 -> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural)
-> (Integer -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Integer
-> Either (TryFromException Integer Natural) Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
s -> if Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer
0 then ArithException -> Either ArithException Natural
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
Exception.Underflow else Natural -> Either ArithException Natural
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Natural -> Either ArithException Natural)
-> Natural -> Either ArithException Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> Natural
forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger Integer

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -16,777,215 and 16,777,215
-- inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Float where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Float) Float
tryFrom = (Integer -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Integer -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Float) Float)
-> (Integer -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Integer
-> Either (TryFromException Integer Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Integer
s ->
    if Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Integer
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Integer
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Integer

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is between -9,007,199,254,740,991 and
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991 inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Integer Double where
  tryFrom :: Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Double) Double
tryFrom = (Integer -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Integer -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Integer -> Either (TryFromException Integer Double) Double)
-> (Integer -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Integer
-> Either (TryFromException Integer Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Integer
s ->
    if Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Integer
forall a. Num a => a
      then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        if Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Integer
forall a. Num a => a
          then ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
          else Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Integer

-- Word8

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Word.Word16 where
  from :: Word8 -> Word16
from = Word8 -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Word.Word32 where
  from :: Word8 -> Word32
from = Word8 -> Word32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Word.Word64 where
  from :: Word8 -> Word64
from = Word8 -> Word64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Word where
  from :: Word8 -> Word
from = Word8 -> Word
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Natural.Natural where
  from :: Word8 -> Natural
from = Word8 -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word8 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Word8 -> Either (TryFromException Word8 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Word8 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Word8 -> Either (TryFromException Word8 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word8 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Int.Int16 where
  from :: Word8 -> Int16
from = Word8 -> Int16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Int.Int32 where
  from :: Word8 -> Int32
from = Word8 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Word8 -> Int64
from = Word8 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Int where
  from :: Word8 -> Int
from = Word8 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Integer where
  from :: Word8 -> Integer
from = Word8 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Float where
  from :: Word8 -> Float
from = Word8 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word8 Double where
  from :: Word8 -> Double
from = Word8 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Word16

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word16 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Word16 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word16 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Word.Word32 where
  from :: Word16 -> Word32
from = Word16 -> Word32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Word.Word64 where
  from :: Word16 -> Word64
from = Word16 -> Word64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Word where
  from :: Word16 -> Word
from = Word16 -> Word
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Natural.Natural where
  from :: Word16 -> Natural
from = Word16 -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word16 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Word16 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word16 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word16 Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Word16 -> Maybe Int16)
-> Word16 -> Either (TryFromException Word16 Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word16 -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Int.Int32 where
  from :: Word16 -> Int32
from = Word16 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Word16 -> Int64
from = Word16 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Int where
  from :: Word16 -> Int
from = Word16 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Integer where
  from :: Word16 -> Integer
from = Word16 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Float where
  from :: Word16 -> Float
from = Word16 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word16 Double where
  from :: Word16 -> Double
from = Word16 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Word32

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word32 Word.Word64 where
  from :: Word32 -> Word64
from = Word32 -> Word64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Word where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Word)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word32 Natural.Natural where
  from :: Word32 -> Natural
from = Word32 -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Int16)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Int32)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word32 Int.Int64 where
  from :: Word32 -> Int64
from = Word32 -> Int64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Int where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int) Int
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Maybe Int)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word32 -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word32 Integer where
  from :: Word32 -> Integer
from = Word32 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to 16,777,215.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word32 Float where
  tryFrom :: Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Float) Float
tryFrom = (Word32 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Word32 -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Word32 -> Either (TryFromException Word32 Float) Float)
-> (Word32 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word32
-> Either (TryFromException Word32 Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Word32
s ->
    if Word32
s Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Word32
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat then Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word32 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word32
s else ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word32 Double where
  from :: Word32 -> Double
from = Word32 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- Word64

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Word8)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Word16)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Word32)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Word where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word) Word
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Word)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word64 Natural.Natural where
  -- This should use @fromIntegral@, but that causes a bug in GHC 9.0.1.
  -- https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2021-March/133540.html
  from :: Word64 -> Natural
from Word64
s = Integer -> Natural
forall source target.
(HasCallStack, TryFrom source target, Show source, Typeable source,
 Typeable target) =>
source -> target
Utility.unsafeFrom (Word64 -> Integer
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from Word64
s :: Integer)

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Int8)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Int16)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Int32)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int64) Int64
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Int64)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int64) Int64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Int64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Int where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int) Int
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Maybe Int)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word64 -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word.Word64 Integer where
  from :: Word64 -> Integer
from = Word64 -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to 16,777,215.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Float where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Float) Float
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Word64 -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Float) Float)
-> (Word64 -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word64
-> Either (TryFromException Word64 Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Word64
s ->
    if Word64
s Word64 -> Word64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Word64
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat then Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word64
s else ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word.Word64 Double where
  tryFrom :: Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Double) Double
tryFrom = (Word64 -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Word64 -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Word64 -> Either (TryFromException Word64 Double) Double)
-> (Word64 -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Word64
-> Either (TryFromException Word64 Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Word64
s ->
    if Word64
s Word64 -> Word64 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Word64
forall a. Num a => a
      then Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word64
      else ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- Word

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Word8)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Word16)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Word32)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word Word.Word64 where
  from :: Word -> Word64
from = Word -> Word64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word Natural.Natural where
  from :: Word -> Natural
from = Word -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Int8)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Int16)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Int32)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int64) Int64
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Int64)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int64) Int64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Int64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Int where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int) Int
tryFrom = (Word -> Maybe Int)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Word -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Word Integer where
  from :: Word -> Integer
from = Word -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to 16,777,215.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Float where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Float) Float
tryFrom = (Word -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Word -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Float) Float)
-> (Word -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Word
-> Either (TryFromException Word Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Word
s ->
    if Word
s Word -> Word -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Word
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat then Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word
s else ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Word Double where
  tryFrom :: Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Double) Double
tryFrom = (Word -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Word -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Word -> Either (TryFromException Word Double) Double)
-> (Word -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Word
-> Either (TryFromException Word Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Word
s ->
    if (Word -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger (Word
forall a. Bounded a => a
maxBound :: Word) Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Integer
forall a. Num a => a
maxDouble) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| (Word
s Word -> Word -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Word
forall a. Num a => a
      then Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word
      else ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- Natural

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word8) Word8
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Word8)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word8) Word8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Word8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word16) Word16
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Word16)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word16) Word16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Word16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word32) Word32
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Word32)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word32) Word32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Word32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word64) Word64
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Word64)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word64) Word64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Word64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Word where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word) Word
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Word)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Word) Word
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Word
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int8) Int8
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Int8)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int8) Int8
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Int8
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int16) Int16
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Int16)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int16) Int16
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Int16
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int32) Int32
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Int32)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int32) Int32
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Int32
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int64) Int64
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Int64)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int64) Int64
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Int64
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'Bits.toIntegralSized'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Int where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int) Int
tryFrom = (Natural -> Maybe Int)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Int) Int
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom Natural -> Maybe Int
forall a b.
(Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) =>
a -> Maybe b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral'.
instance From.From Natural.Natural Integer where
  from :: Natural -> Integer
from = Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to 16,777,215.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Float where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Float) Float
tryFrom = (Natural -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Float) Float
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Natural -> Either ArithException Float)
 -> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Float) Float)
-> (Natural -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Natural
-> Either (TryFromException Natural Float) Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Natural
s ->
    if Natural
s Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Natural
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat then Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Float -> Either ArithException Float)
-> Float -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> Float
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Natural
s else ArithException -> Either ArithException Float
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- | Uses 'fromIntegral' when the input is less than or equal to
-- 9,007,199,254,740,991.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Natural.Natural Double where
  tryFrom :: Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Double) Double
tryFrom = (Natural -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Double) Double
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Natural -> Either ArithException Double)
 -> Natural -> Either (TryFromException Natural Double) Double)
-> (Natural -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Natural
-> Either (TryFromException Natural Double) Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Natural
s ->
    if Natural
s Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Natural
forall a. Num a => a
      then Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Double -> Either ArithException Double)
-> Double -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> Double
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Natural
      else ArithException -> Either ArithException Double
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- Float

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Int8) Int8
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Int16) Int16
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Int32) Int32
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Int64) Int64
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Int where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Int) Int
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Rational' when the input is between -16,777,215 and
-- 16,777,215 inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Integer where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Integer) Integer
tryFrom = (Float -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Integer) Integer
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Float -> Either SomeException Integer)
 -> Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Integer) Integer)
-> (Float -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> Float
-> Either (TryFromException Float Integer) Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Float
s -> case forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Rational Float
s of
    Left TryFromException Float Integer
e -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TryFromException Float Integer -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException TryFromException Float Integer
    Right Integer
      | Integer
t Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Integer
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ArithException -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException ArithException
      | Integer
t Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Integer
forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ArithException -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException ArithException
      | Bool
otherwise -> Integer -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Word8) Word8
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Word16) Word16
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Word32) Word32
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Word64) Word64
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Word where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Word) Word
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Natural) Natural
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Uses 'Numeric.floatToDigits' when the input is not NaN or infinity.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Float Rational where
  tryFrom :: Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Rational) Rational
tryFrom = (Float -> Either ArithException Rational)
-> Float -> Either (TryFromException Float Rational) Rational
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Float -> Either ArithException Rational
forall s. RealFloat s => s -> Either ArithException Rational

-- | Uses 'Float.float2Double'.
instance From.From Float Double where
  from :: Float -> Double
from = Float -> Double

-- Double

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Int.Int8 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Int8) Int8
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Int.Int16 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Int16) Int16
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Int.Int32 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Int32) Int32
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Int.Int64 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Int64) Int64
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Int where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Int) Int
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Rational' when the input is between -9,007,199,254,740,991
-- and 9,007,199,254,740,991 inclusive.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Integer where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Integer) Integer
tryFrom = (Double -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Integer) Integer
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Double -> Either SomeException Integer)
 -> Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Integer) Integer)
-> (Double -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> Double
-> Either (TryFromException Double Integer) Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Double
s -> case forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Rational Double
s of
    Left TryFromException Double Integer
e -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TryFromException Double Integer -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException TryFromException Double Integer
    Right Integer
      | Integer
t Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< -Integer
forall a. Num a => a
maxDouble -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ArithException -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException ArithException
      | Integer
t Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Integer
forall a. Num a => a
maxDouble -> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer)
-> SomeException -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ArithException -> SomeException
forall e. Exception e => e -> SomeException
Exception.toException ArithException
      | Bool
otherwise -> Integer -> Either SomeException Integer
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Word.Word8 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Word8) Word8
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Word.Word16 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Word16) Word16
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Word.Word32 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Word32) Word32
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Word.Word64 where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Word64) Word64
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Word where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Word) Word
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Converts via 'Integer'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Natural.Natural where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Natural) Natural
tryFrom = forall through source target.
(TryFrom source through, TryFrom through target) =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryVia @Integer

-- | Uses 'Numeric.floatToDigits' when the input is not NaN or infinity.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Double Rational where
  tryFrom :: Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Rational) Rational
tryFrom = (Double -> Either ArithException Rational)
-> Double -> Either (TryFromException Double Rational) Rational
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom Double -> Either ArithException Rational
forall s. RealFloat s => s -> Either ArithException Rational

-- | Uses 'Float.double2Float'. This necessarily loses some precision.
instance From.From Double Float where
  from :: Double -> Float
from = Double -> Float

-- Ratio

-- | Uses '(Ratio.%)' with a denominator of 1.
instance (Integral a) => From.From a (Ratio.Ratio a) where
  from :: a -> Ratio a
from = (a -> a -> Ratio a
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a
Ratio.% a

-- | Uses 'Ratio.numerator' when the denominator is 1.
instance (Eq a, Num a) => TryFrom.TryFrom (Ratio.Ratio a) a where
  tryFrom :: Ratio a -> Either (TryFromException (Ratio a) a) a
tryFrom = (Ratio a -> Either ArithException a)
-> Ratio a -> Either (TryFromException (Ratio a) a) a
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Ratio a -> Either ArithException a)
 -> Ratio a -> Either (TryFromException (Ratio a) a) a)
-> (Ratio a -> Either ArithException a)
-> Ratio a
-> Either (TryFromException (Ratio a) a) a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ratio a
s ->
    if Ratio a -> a
forall a. Ratio a -> a
Ratio.denominator Ratio a
s a -> a -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== a
      then a -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (a -> Either ArithException a) -> a -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Ratio a -> a
forall a. Ratio a -> a
Ratio.numerator Ratio a
      else ArithException -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- | Uses 'fromRational'. This necessarily loses some precision.
instance From.From Rational Float where
  from :: Rational -> Float
from = Rational -> Float
forall a. Fractional a => Rational -> a

-- | Uses 'fromRational'. This necessarily loses some precision.
instance From.From Rational Double where
  from :: Rational -> Double
from = Rational -> Double
forall a. Fractional a => Rational -> a

-- | Uses `fromRational` as long as there isn't a loss of precision.
instance (Fixed.HasResolution a) => TryFrom.TryFrom Rational (Fixed.Fixed a) where
  tryFrom :: Rational -> Either (TryFromException Rational (Fixed a)) (Fixed a)
tryFrom = (Rational -> Either ArithException (Fixed a))
-> Rational
-> Either (TryFromException Rational (Fixed a)) (Fixed a)
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Rational -> Either ArithException (Fixed a))
 -> Rational
 -> Either (TryFromException Rational (Fixed a)) (Fixed a))
-> (Rational -> Either ArithException (Fixed a))
-> Rational
-> Either (TryFromException Rational (Fixed a)) (Fixed a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Rational
s ->
    let t :: Fixed.Fixed a
        t :: Fixed a
t = Rational -> Fixed a
forall a. Fractional a => Rational -> a
fromRational Rational
     in if Fixed a -> Rational
forall a. Real a => a -> Rational
toRational Fixed a
t Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Rational
s then Fixed a -> Either ArithException (Fixed a)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Fixed a
t else ArithException -> Either ArithException (Fixed a)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- Fixed

-- | Uses 'Fixed.MkFixed'. This means @from \@Integer \@Centi 2@ is @0.02@
-- rather than @2.00@.
instance From.From Integer (Fixed.Fixed a) where
  from :: Integer -> Fixed a
from = Integer -> Fixed a
forall k (a :: k). Integer -> Fixed a

-- | Uses 'Fixed.MkFixed'. This means @from \@Centi \@Integer 3.00@ is @300@
-- rather than @3@.
instance From.From (Fixed.Fixed a) Integer where
  from :: Fixed a -> Integer
from (Fixed.MkFixed Integer
t) = Integer

-- | Uses 'toRational'.
instance (Fixed.HasResolution a) => From.From (Fixed.Fixed a) Rational where
  from :: Fixed a -> Rational
from = Fixed a -> Rational
forall a. Real a => a -> Rational

-- Complex

-- | Uses '(Complex.:+)' with an imaginary part of 0.
instance (Num a) => From.From a (Complex.Complex a) where
  from :: a -> Complex a
from = (a -> a -> Complex a
forall a. a -> a -> Complex a
Complex.:+ a

-- | Uses 'Complex.realPart' when the imaginary part is 0.
instance (Eq a, Num a) => TryFrom.TryFrom (Complex.Complex a) a where
  tryFrom :: Complex a -> Either (TryFromException (Complex a) a) a
tryFrom = (Complex a -> Either ArithException a)
-> Complex a -> Either (TryFromException (Complex a) a) a
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Complex a -> Either ArithException a)
 -> Complex a -> Either (TryFromException (Complex a) a) a)
-> (Complex a -> Either ArithException a)
-> Complex a
-> Either (TryFromException (Complex a) a) a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Complex a
s ->
    if Complex a -> a
forall a. Complex a -> a
Complex.imagPart Complex a
s a -> a -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== a
      then a -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (a -> Either ArithException a) -> a -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Complex a -> a
forall a. Complex a -> a
Complex.realPart Complex a
      else ArithException -> Either ArithException a
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException

-- NonEmpty

-- | Uses 'NonEmpty.nonEmpty'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom [a] (NonEmpty.NonEmpty a) where
  tryFrom :: [a] -> Either (TryFromException [a] (NonEmpty a)) (NonEmpty a)
tryFrom = ([a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a))
-> [a] -> Either (TryFromException [a] (NonEmpty a)) (NonEmpty a)
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom [a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
forall a. [a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)

-- | Uses 'NonEmpty.toList'.
instance From.From (NonEmpty.NonEmpty a) [a] where
  from :: NonEmpty a -> [a]
from = NonEmpty a -> [a]
forall a. NonEmpty a -> [a]

-- Set

-- | Uses 'Set.fromList'.
instance (Ord a) => From.From [a] (Set.Set a) where
  from :: [a] -> Set a
from = [a] -> Set a
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a

-- | Uses 'Set.toAscList'.
instance From.From (Set.Set a) [a] where
  from :: Set a -> [a]
from = Set a -> [a]
forall a. Set a -> [a]

-- IntSet

-- | Uses 'IntSet.fromList'.
instance From.From [Int] IntSet.IntSet where
  from :: [Int] -> IntSet
from = [Int] -> IntSet

-- | Uses 'IntSet.toAscList'.
instance From.From IntSet.IntSet [Int] where
  from :: IntSet -> [Int]
from = IntSet -> [Int]

-- Map

-- | Uses 'Map.fromList'. If there are duplicate keys, later values will
-- overwrite earlier ones.
instance (Ord k) => From.From [(k, v)] (Map.Map k v) where
  from :: [(k, v)] -> Map k v
from = [(k, v)] -> Map k v
forall k v. Ord k => [(k, v)] -> Map k v

-- | Uses 'Map.toAscList'.
instance From.From (Map.Map k v) [(k, v)] where
  from :: Map k v -> [(k, v)]
from = Map k v -> [(k, v)]
forall k v. Map k v -> [(k, v)]

-- IntMap

-- | Uses 'IntMap.fromList'. If there are duplicate keys, later values will
-- overwrite earlier ones.
instance From.From [(Int, v)] (IntMap.IntMap v) where
  from :: [(Int, v)] -> IntMap v
from = [(Int, v)] -> IntMap v
forall v. [(Int, v)] -> IntMap v

-- | Uses 'IntMap.toAscList'.
instance From.From (IntMap.IntMap v) [(Int, v)] where
  from :: IntMap v -> [(Int, v)]
from = IntMap v -> [(Int, v)]
forall v. IntMap v -> [(Int, v)]

-- Seq

-- | Uses 'Seq.fromList'.
instance From.From [a] (Seq.Seq a) where
  from :: [a] -> Seq a
from = [a] -> Seq a
forall a. [a] -> Seq a

-- | Uses 'Foldable.toList'.
instance From.From (Seq.Seq a) [a] where
  from :: Seq a -> [a]
from = Seq a -> [a]
forall a. Seq a -> [a]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]

-- ByteString

-- | Uses 'ByteString.pack'.
instance From.From [Word.Word8] ByteString.ByteString where
  from :: [Word8] -> ByteString
from = [Word8] -> ByteString

-- | Uses 'ByteString.unpack'.
instance From.From ByteString.ByteString [Word.Word8] where
  from :: ByteString -> [Word8]
from = ByteString -> [Word8]

-- | Uses 'LazyByteString.fromStrict'.
instance From.From ByteString.ByteString LazyByteString.ByteString where
  from :: ByteString -> ByteString
from = ByteString -> ByteString

-- | Uses 'ShortByteString.toShort'.
instance From.From ByteString.ByteString ShortByteString.ShortByteString where
  from :: ByteString -> ShortByteString
from = ByteString -> ShortByteString

-- LazyByteString

-- | Uses 'LazyByteString.pack'.
instance From.From [Word.Word8] LazyByteString.ByteString where
  from :: [Word8] -> ByteString
from = [Word8] -> ByteString

-- | Uses 'LazyByteString.unpack'.
instance From.From LazyByteString.ByteString [Word.Word8] where
  from :: ByteString -> [Word8]
from = ByteString -> [Word8]

-- | Uses 'LazyByteString.toStrict'.
instance From.From LazyByteString.ByteString ByteString.ByteString where
  from :: ByteString -> ByteString
from = ByteString -> ByteString

-- ShortByteString

-- | Uses 'ShortByteString.pack'.
instance From.From [Word.Word8] ShortByteString.ShortByteString where
  from :: [Word8] -> ShortByteString
from = [Word8] -> ShortByteString

-- | Uses 'ShortByteString.unpack'.
instance From.From ShortByteString.ShortByteString [Word.Word8] where
  from :: ShortByteString -> [Word8]
from = ShortByteString -> [Word8]

-- | Uses 'ShortByteString.fromShort'.
instance From.From ShortByteString.ShortByteString ByteString.ByteString where
  from :: ShortByteString -> ByteString
from = ShortByteString -> ByteString

-- Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.fromStrict'.
instance From.From Text.Text LazyText.Text where
  from :: Text -> Text
from = Text -> Text

-- LazyText

-- | Uses 'LazyText.toStrict'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text Text.Text where
  from :: Text -> Text
from = Text -> Text

-- String

-- | Uses 'Text.pack'. Some 'Char' values cannot be represented in 'Text.Text'
-- and will be replaced with @'\\xFFFD'@.
instance From.From String Text.Text where
  from :: String -> Text
from = String -> Text

-- | Uses 'Text.unpack'.
instance From.From Text.Text String where
  from :: Text -> String
from = Text -> String

-- | Uses 'LazyText.pack'. Some 'Char' values cannot be represented in
-- 'LazyText.Text' and will be replaced with @'\\xFFFD'@.
instance From.From String LazyText.Text where
  from :: String -> Text
from = String -> Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.unpack'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text String where
  from :: Text -> String
from = Text -> String

-- TryFromException

-- | Uses @coerce@.
    (TryFromException.TryFromException source oldTarget)
    (TryFromException.TryFromException source newTarget)

-- Day

-- | Uses 'Time.ModifiedJulianDay'.
instance From.From Integer Time.Day where
  from :: Integer -> Day
from = Integer -> Day

-- | Uses 'Time.toModifiedJulianDay'.
instance From.From Time.Day Integer where
  from :: Day -> Integer
from = Day -> Integer

-- DayOfWeek

-- | Uses 'Time.dayOfWeek'.
instance From.From Time.Day Time.DayOfWeek where
  from :: Day -> DayOfWeek
from = Day -> DayOfWeek

-- UniversalTime

-- | Uses 'Time.ModJulianDate'.
instance From.From Rational Time.UniversalTime where
  from :: Rational -> UniversalTime
from = Rational -> UniversalTime

-- | Uses 'Time.getModJulianDate'.
instance From.From Time.UniversalTime Rational where
  from :: UniversalTime -> Rational
from = UniversalTime -> Rational

-- DiffTime

-- | Uses 'realToFrac'.
instance From.From Fixed.Pico Time.DiffTime where
  from :: Pico -> DiffTime
from = Pico -> DiffTime
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b

-- | Uses 'realToFrac'.
instance From.From Time.DiffTime Fixed.Pico where
  from :: DiffTime -> Pico
from = DiffTime -> Pico
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b

-- NominalDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.secondsToNominalDiffTime'.
instance From.From Fixed.Pico Time.NominalDiffTime where
  from :: Pico -> NominalDiffTime
from = Pico -> NominalDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.nominalDiffTimeToSeconds'.
instance From.From Time.NominalDiffTime Fixed.Pico where
  from :: NominalDiffTime -> Pico
from = NominalDiffTime -> Pico

-- POSIXTime

-- | Uses 'Time.systemToPOSIXTime'.
instance From.From Time.SystemTime Time.POSIXTime where
  from :: SystemTime -> NominalDiffTime
from = SystemTime -> NominalDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds'.
instance From.From Time.UTCTime Time.POSIXTime where
  from :: UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime
from = UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.posixSecondsToUTCTime'.
instance From.From Time.POSIXTime Time.UTCTime where
  from :: NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime
from = NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime

-- SystemTime

-- | Uses 'Time.utcToSystemTime'.
instance From.From Time.UTCTime Time.SystemTime where
  from :: UTCTime -> SystemTime
from = UTCTime -> SystemTime

-- | Uses 'Time.systemToTAITime'.
instance From.From Time.SystemTime Time.AbsoluteTime where
  from :: SystemTime -> AbsoluteTime
from = SystemTime -> AbsoluteTime

-- | Uses 'Time.systemToUTCTime'.
instance From.From Time.SystemTime Time.UTCTime where
  from :: SystemTime -> UTCTime
from = SystemTime -> UTCTime

-- TimeOfDay

-- | Uses 'Time.timeToTimeOfDay'.
instance From.From Time.DiffTime Time.TimeOfDay where
  from :: DiffTime -> TimeOfDay
from = DiffTime -> TimeOfDay

-- | Uses 'Time.dayFractionToTimeOfDay'.
instance From.From Rational Time.TimeOfDay where
  from :: Rational -> TimeOfDay
from = Rational -> TimeOfDay

-- | Uses 'Time.timeOfDayToTime'.
instance From.From Time.TimeOfDay Time.DiffTime where
  from :: TimeOfDay -> DiffTime
from = TimeOfDay -> DiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.timeOfDayToDayFraction'.
instance From.From Time.TimeOfDay Rational where
  from :: TimeOfDay -> Rational
from = TimeOfDay -> Rational

-- CalendarDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.calendarTimeDays'.
instance From.From Time.CalendarDiffDays Time.CalendarDiffTime where
  from :: CalendarDiffDays -> CalendarDiffTime
from = CalendarDiffDays -> CalendarDiffTime

-- | Uses 'Time.calendarTimeTime'.
instance From.From Time.NominalDiffTime Time.CalendarDiffTime where
  from :: NominalDiffTime -> CalendarDiffTime
from = NominalDiffTime -> CalendarDiffTime

-- ZonedTime

-- | Uses 'Time.zonedTimeToUTC'.
instance From.From Time.ZonedTime Time.UTCTime where
  from :: ZonedTime -> UTCTime
from = ZonedTime -> UTCTime

-- Tagged

-- | Uses @coerce@. Essentially the same as 'Tagged.Tagged'.
instance From.From a (Tagged.Tagged t a)

-- | Uses @coerce@. Essentially the same as 'Tagged.unTagged'.
instance From.From (Tagged.Tagged t a) a

-- | Uses @coerce@. Essentially the same as 'Tagged.retag'.
instance From.From (Tagged.Tagged t a) (Tagged.Tagged u a)

-- ISO-8859-1

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeLatin1'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Text
from = ByteString -> Text
Text.decodeLatin1 (ByteString -> Text)
-> (ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> ByteString)
-> ISO_8859_1 ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Text
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) String where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> String
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeLatin1'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Text
from = ByteString -> Text
LazyText.decodeLatin1 (ByteString -> Text)
-> (ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> ByteString)
-> ISO_8859_1 ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Text
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  from :: ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> String
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'String'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Text.Text (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Text
  -> Either
       (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
       (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text
    -> Either
         (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
         (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
TryFrom.tryFrom (String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text -> String)
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String

-- | Converts via 'String'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom Text.Text (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Text
  -> Either
       (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
       (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text
    -> Either
         (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
         (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
TryFrom.tryFrom (String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text -> String)
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String

-- | Converts via 'String'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom LazyText.Text (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Text
  -> Either
       (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
       (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text
    -> Either
         (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
         (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
TryFrom.tryFrom (String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text -> String)
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String

-- | Converts via 'String'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom LazyText.Text (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((Text
  -> Either
       (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
       (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> Text
 -> Either
      (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text
    -> Either
         (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
         (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
TryFrom.tryFrom (String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (Text -> String)
-> Text
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String

-- | Uses 'Char8.pack' when each character 'Char.isLatin1'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom String (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom ((String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \String
string -> do
    Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
Monad.guard (Bool -> Maybe ()) -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
all Char -> Bool
Char.isLatin1 String
    ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (ByteString -> ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
-> ByteString
-> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> ISO_8859_1 ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> ByteString
Char8.pack String

-- | Uses 'LazyChar8.pack' when each character 'Char.isLatin1'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom String (Encoding.ISO_8859_1 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  tryFrom :: String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
tryFrom = (String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall source target.
(source -> Maybe target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.maybeTryFrom ((String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
 -> String
 -> Either
      (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
      (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (String -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> String
-> Either
     (TryFromException String (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
     (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \String
string -> do
    Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
Monad.guard (Bool -> Maybe ()) -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
all Char -> Bool
Char.isLatin1 String
    ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ISO_8859_1 ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> (ByteString -> ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
-> ByteString
-> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> ISO_8859_1 ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString))
-> ByteString -> Maybe (ISO_8859_1 ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> ByteString
LazyChar8.pack String

-- UTF-8

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeUtf8''.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text
Text.decodeUtf8' (ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_8 ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @LazyText.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeUtf8''.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text
LazyText.decodeUtf8' (ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_8 ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @Text.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_8 ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_8 ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_8 ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_8 ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_8 ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Uses 'Text.encodeUtf8'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'ByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString) -> UTF_8 ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-8" a -> Tagged "UTF-8" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_8 ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_8 ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString)

-- | Uses 'LazyText.encodeUtf8'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'LazyByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString) -> UTF_8 ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-8" a -> Tagged "UTF-8" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_8 ByteString -> UTF_8 ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_8 ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_8 ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString)

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_8 ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_8 LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_8 ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- UTF-16LE

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeUtf16LE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
Text.decodeUtf16LE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_16LE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @LazyText.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeUtf16LE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
LazyText.decodeUtf16LE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_16LE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @Text.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_16LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_16LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16LE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Uses 'Text.encodeUtf16LE'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'ByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-16LE" a -> Tagged "UTF-16LE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_16LE ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString)

-- | Uses 'LazyText.encodeUtf16LE'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'LazyByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16LE ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-16LE" a -> Tagged "UTF-16LE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_16LE ByteString -> UTF_16LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString)

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_16LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_16LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_16LE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- UTF-16BE

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeUtf16BE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
Text.decodeUtf16BE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_16BE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @LazyText.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeUtf16BE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
LazyText.decodeUtf16BE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_16BE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @Text.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_16BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_16BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_16BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_16BE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Uses 'Text.encodeUtf16BE'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'ByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-16BE" a -> Tagged "UTF-16BE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_16BE ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString)

-- | Uses 'LazyText.encodeUtf16BE'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'LazyByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_16BE ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-16BE" a -> Tagged "UTF-16BE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_16BE ByteString -> UTF_16BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_16BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString)

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_16BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_16BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_16BE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- UTF-32LE

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeUtf32LE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
Text.decodeUtf32LE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_32LE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @LazyText.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeUtf32LE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
LazyText.decodeUtf32LE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_32LE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @Text.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32LE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_32LE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_32LE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32LE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Uses 'Text.encodeUtf32LE'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'ByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-32LE" a -> Tagged "UTF-32LE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_32LE ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString)

-- | Uses 'LazyText.encodeUtf32LE'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'LazyByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32LE ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-32LE" a -> Tagged "UTF-32LE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_32LE ByteString -> UTF_32LE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32LE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString)

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_32LE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_32LE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_32LE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text

-- UTF-32BE

-- | Uses 'Text.decodeUtf32BE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
Text.decodeUtf32BE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_32BE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @LazyText.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @Text.Text

-- | Uses 'LazyText.decodeUtf32BE'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) LazyText.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate @Text.UnicodeException (Text -> Either UnicodeException Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either UnicodeException Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Text
LazyText.decodeUtf32BE (ByteString -> Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTF_32BE ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) Text.Text where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Text)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @Text.Text) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance TryFrom.TryFrom (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) String where
  tryFrom :: UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
tryFrom = (UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
forall exception source target.
Exception exception =>
(source -> Either exception target)
-> source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.eitherTryFrom ((UTF_32BE ByteString
  -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
 -> UTF_32BE ByteString
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) String) String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> String)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) a
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @String) (Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text
 -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String)
-> (UTF_32BE ByteString
    -> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) Text)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString
-> Either (TryFromException (UTF_32BE ByteString) Text) String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source.
TryFrom source target =>
source -> Either (TryFromException source target) target
Utility.tryInto @LazyText.Text

-- | Uses 'Text.encodeUtf32BE'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'ByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From Text.Text (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-32BE" a -> Tagged "UTF-32BE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_32BE ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString)

-- | Uses 'LazyText.encodeUtf32BE'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> ByteString

-- | Converts via 'LazyByteString.ByteString'.
instance From.From LazyText.Text (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> UTF_32BE ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tagged "UTF-32BE" a -> Tagged "UTF-32BE" b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ByteString -> ByteString
forall source target. From source target => source -> target
From.from (UTF_32BE ByteString -> UTF_32BE ByteString)
-> (Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString) -> Text -> UTF_32BE ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall target source. From source target => source -> target
Utility.into @(Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString)

-- | Converts via 'Text.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_32BE ByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @Text.Text

-- | Converts via 'LazyText.Text'.
instance From.From String (Encoding.UTF_32BE LazyByteString.ByteString) where
  from :: String -> UTF_32BE ByteString
from = forall through source target.
(From source through, From through target) =>
source -> target
Utility.via @LazyText.Text


realFloatToRational ::
  (RealFloat s) => s -> Either Exception.ArithException Rational
realFloatToRational :: forall s. RealFloat s => s -> Either ArithException Rational
realFloatToRational s
  | s -> Bool
forall a. RealFloat a => a -> Bool
isNaN s
s = ArithException -> Either ArithException Rational
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
  | s -> Bool
forall a. RealFloat a => a -> Bool
isInfinite s
s =
      if s
s s -> s -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> s
        then ArithException -> Either ArithException Rational
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
        else ArithException -> Either ArithException Rational
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
  | Bool
otherwise =
      Rational -> Either ArithException Rational
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Rational -> Either ArithException Rational)
-> Rational -> Either ArithException Rational
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (s -> Rational) -> s -> Rational
forall a b. (Eq a, Num a, Num b) => (a -> b) -> a -> b
          ((Integer -> Integer -> Rational) -> (Integer, Integer) -> Rational
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry Integer -> Integer -> Rational
makeRational ((Integer, Integer) -> Rational)
-> (s -> (Integer, Integer)) -> s -> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ([Int] -> Int -> (Integer, Integer))
-> ([Int], Int) -> (Integer, Integer)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry [Int] -> Int -> (Integer, Integer)
fromDigits (([Int], Int) -> (Integer, Integer))
-> (s -> ([Int], Int)) -> s -> (Integer, Integer)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> s -> ([Int], Int)
forall a. RealFloat a => Integer -> a -> ([Int], Int)
Numeric.floatToDigits Integer

overPositive :: (Eq a, Num a, Num b) => (a -> b) -> a -> b
overPositive :: forall a b. (Eq a, Num a, Num b) => (a -> b) -> a -> b
overPositive a -> b
f a
x = if a -> a
forall a. Num a => a -> a
signum a
x a -> a -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== -a
1 then -(a -> b
f (-a
x)) else a -> b
f a

fromDigits :: [Int] -> Int -> (Integer, Integer)
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Int -> (Integer, Integer)
fromDigits [Int]
ds Int
e =
  ((Integer, Integer) -> Int -> (Integer, Integer))
-> (Integer, Integer) -> [Int] -> (Integer, Integer)
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
List.foldl' (\(Integer
a, Integer
n) Int
d -> (Integer
a Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Integer
10 Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger Int
d, Integer
n Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Integer
1)) (Integer
0, Int -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger Int
e) [Int]

makeRational :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational
makeRational :: Integer -> Integer -> Rational
makeRational Integer
d Integer
e = Integer -> Rational
forall a. Real a => a -> Rational
toRational Integer
d Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
10 Rational -> Integer -> Rational
forall a b. (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
^^ Integer

fromNonNegativeIntegral ::
  (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either Exception.ArithException t
fromNonNegativeIntegral :: forall s t. (Integral s, Num t) => s -> Either ArithException t
fromNonNegativeIntegral s
x =
  if s
x s -> s -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< s
0 then ArithException -> Either ArithException t
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ArithException
Exception.Underflow else t -> Either ArithException t
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (t -> Either ArithException t) -> t -> Either ArithException t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ s -> t
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral s

-- | The maximum integral value that can be unambiguously represented as a
-- 'Float'. Equal to 16,777,215.
maxFloat :: (Num a) => a
maxFloat :: forall a. Num a => a
maxFloat = a

-- | The maximum integral value that can be unambiguously represented as a
-- 'Double'. Equal to 9,007,199,254,740,991.
maxDouble :: (Num a) => a
maxDouble :: forall a. Num a => a
maxDouble = a

tryEvaluate :: (Exception.Exception e) => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate :: forall e a. Exception e => a -> Either e a
tryEvaluate = IO (Either e a) -> Either e a
forall a. IO a -> a
Unsafe.unsafePerformIO (IO (Either e a) -> Either e a)
-> (a -> IO (Either e a)) -> a -> Either e a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. IO a -> IO (Either e a)
forall e a. Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)
Exception.try (IO a -> IO (Either e a)) -> (a -> IO a) -> a -> IO (Either e a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> IO a
forall a. a -> IO a