module Unison.Sync.Common
( expectEntity,
import Control.Lens qualified as Lens
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Branch.Format qualified as NamespaceFormat
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Causal qualified as Causal
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Decl.Format qualified as DeclFormat
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Entity qualified as Entity
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.LocalIds
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.Format qualified as PatchFormat
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Queries qualified as Q
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.TempEntity (TempEntity)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.TempEntity qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.TempEntity qualified as TempEntity
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Term.Format qualified as TermFormat
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)
import Unison.Hash32 qualified as Hash32
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Sync.Types qualified as Share
expectEntity :: Hash32 -> Sqlite.Transaction (Share.Entity Text Hash32 Hash32)
expectEntity :: Hash32 -> Transaction (Entity Text Hash32 Hash32)
expectEntity Hash32
hash = do
syncEntity <- Hash32 -> Transaction SyncEntity
Q.expectEntity Hash32
tempEntity <- SyncEntity -> Transaction TempEntity
Q.syncToTempEntity SyncEntity
Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
-> Transaction (Entity Text Hash32 Hash32)
forall a. a -> Transaction a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (TempEntity -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
tempEntityToEntity TempEntity
causalHashToHash32 :: CausalHash -> Hash32
causalHashToHash32 :: CausalHash -> Hash32
causalHashToHash32 =
Hash -> Hash32
Hash32.fromHash (Hash -> Hash32) -> (CausalHash -> Hash) -> CausalHash -> Hash32
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CausalHash -> Hash
hash32ToCausalHash :: Hash32 -> CausalHash
hash32ToCausalHash :: Hash32 -> CausalHash
hash32ToCausalHash =
Hash -> CausalHash
CausalHash (Hash -> CausalHash) -> (Hash32 -> Hash) -> Hash32 -> CausalHash
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Hash32 -> Hash
entityToTempEntity :: forall hash. (hash -> Hash32) -> Share.Entity Text Hash32 hash -> TempEntity
entityToTempEntity :: forall hash.
(hash -> Hash32) -> Entity Text Hash32 hash -> TempEntity
entityToTempEntity hash -> Hash32
toHash32 = \case
Share.TC (Share.TermComponent [(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
terms) ->
[(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
[(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> ([(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& ((LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b (ASetter
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds Text hash -> LocalIds' Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
Lens.over ASetter
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
forall s t a b. Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
Lens._1 LocalIds Text hash -> LocalIds' Text Hash32
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
forall t d.
Vector (LocalIds' t d, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32)
-> SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32
forall t d. SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d
SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32
-> (SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32 -> TempEntity) -> TempEntity
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& SyncTermFormat' Text Hash32 -> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncTermFormat' text defn
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
Share.DC (Share.DeclComponent [(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
decls) ->
[(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
[(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> ([(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)]
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& ((LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b (ASetter
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds Text hash -> LocalIds' Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
Lens.over ASetter
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
forall s t a b. Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(LocalIds Text hash, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text hash)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
Lens._1 LocalIds Text hash -> LocalIds' Text Hash32
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
forall t d.
Vector (LocalIds' t d, ByteString)
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32)
-> SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32
-> SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32
forall t d. SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> SyncDeclFormat' t d
SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32
-> (SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32 -> TempEntity) -> TempEntity
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& SyncDeclFormat' Text Hash32 -> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncDeclFormat' text defn
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
Share.P Share.Patch {[Text]
textLookup :: [Text]
$sel:textLookup:Patch :: forall text oldHash newHash. Patch text oldHash newHash -> [text]
textLookup, [Hash32]
oldHashLookup :: [Hash32]
$sel:oldHashLookup:Patch :: forall text oldHash newHash.
Patch text oldHash newHash -> [oldHash]
oldHashLookup, [hash]
newHashLookup :: [hash]
$sel:newHashLookup:Patch :: forall text oldHash newHash.
Patch text oldHash newHash -> [newHash]
newHashLookup, ByteString
bytes :: ByteString
$sel:bytes:Patch :: forall text oldHash newHash.
Patch text oldHash newHash -> ByteString
bytes} ->
SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 -> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncPatchFormat' patch text hash defn
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
Entity.P (PatchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32
-> ByteString -> SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32
forall parent text hash defn.
PatchLocalIds' text hash defn
-> ByteString -> SyncPatchFormat' parent text hash defn
PatchFormat.SyncFull ([Text] -> [Hash32] -> [hash] -> PatchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32
mungePatchLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [Hash32]
oldHashLookup [hash]
newHashLookup) ByteString
Share.PD Share.PatchDiff {hash
parent :: hash
$sel:parent:PatchDiff :: forall text oldHash hash. PatchDiff text oldHash hash -> hash
parent, [Text]
textLookup :: [Text]
$sel:textLookup:PatchDiff :: forall text oldHash hash. PatchDiff text oldHash hash -> [text]
textLookup, [Hash32]
oldHashLookup :: [Hash32]
$sel:oldHashLookup:PatchDiff :: forall text oldHash hash. PatchDiff text oldHash hash -> [oldHash]
oldHashLookup, [hash]
newHashLookup :: [hash]
$sel:newHashLookup:PatchDiff :: forall text oldHash hash. PatchDiff text oldHash hash -> [hash]
newHashLookup, ByteString
bytes :: ByteString
$sel:bytes:PatchDiff :: forall text oldHash hash. PatchDiff text oldHash hash -> ByteString
bytes} ->
SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 -> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncPatchFormat' patch text hash defn
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
( Hash32
-> PatchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32
-> ByteString
-> SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32
forall parent text hash defn.
-> PatchLocalIds' text hash defn
-> ByteString
-> SyncPatchFormat' parent text hash defn
(hash -> Hash32
toHash32 hash
([Text] -> [Hash32] -> [hash] -> PatchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32
mungePatchLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [Hash32]
oldHashLookup [hash]
Share.N Share.Namespace {[Text]
textLookup :: [Text]
$sel:textLookup:Namespace :: forall text hash. Namespace text hash -> [text]
textLookup, [hash]
defnLookup :: [hash]
$sel:defnLookup:Namespace :: forall text hash. Namespace text hash -> [hash]
defnLookup, [hash]
patchLookup :: [hash]
$sel:patchLookup:Namespace :: forall text hash. Namespace text hash -> [hash]
patchLookup, [(hash, hash)]
childLookup :: [(hash, hash)]
$sel:childLookup:Namespace :: forall text hash. Namespace text hash -> [(hash, hash)]
childLookup, LocalBranchBytes
bytes :: LocalBranchBytes
$sel:bytes:Namespace :: forall text hash. Namespace text hash -> LocalBranchBytes
bytes} ->
SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
-> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncBranchFormat' branch text defn patch (branch, causal)
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
Entity.N (BranchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
-> LocalBranchBytes
-> SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
forall parent text defn patch child.
BranchLocalIds' text defn patch child
-> LocalBranchBytes
-> SyncBranchFormat' parent text defn patch child
NamespaceFormat.SyncFull ([Text]
-> [hash]
-> [hash]
-> [(hash, hash)]
-> BranchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
mungeNamespaceLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [hash]
defnLookup [hash]
patchLookup [(hash, hash)]
childLookup) LocalBranchBytes
Share.ND Share.NamespaceDiff {hash
parent :: hash
$sel:parent:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> hash
parent, [Text]
textLookup :: [Text]
$sel:textLookup:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> [text]
textLookup, [hash]
defnLookup :: [hash]
$sel:defnLookup:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> [hash]
defnLookup, [hash]
patchLookup :: [hash]
$sel:patchLookup:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> [hash]
patchLookup, [(hash, hash)]
childLookup :: [(hash, hash)]
$sel:childLookup:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> [(hash, hash)]
childLookup, LocalBranchBytes
bytes :: LocalBranchBytes
$sel:bytes:NamespaceDiff :: forall text hash. NamespaceDiff text hash -> LocalBranchBytes
bytes} ->
SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
-> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncBranchFormat' branch text defn patch (branch, causal)
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
( Hash32
-> BranchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
-> LocalBranchBytes
-> SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
forall parent text defn patch child.
-> BranchLocalIds' text defn patch child
-> LocalBranchBytes
-> SyncBranchFormat' parent text defn patch child
(hash -> Hash32
toHash32 hash
-> [hash]
-> [hash]
-> [(hash, hash)]
-> BranchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
mungeNamespaceLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [hash]
defnLookup [hash]
patchLookup [(hash, hash)]
Share.C Share.Causal {hash
namespaceHash :: hash
$sel:namespaceHash:Causal :: forall hash. Causal hash -> hash
namespaceHash, Set hash
parents :: Set hash
$sel:parents:Causal :: forall hash. Causal hash -> Set hash
parents} ->
SyncCausalFormat' Hash32 Hash32 -> TempEntity
forall text hash defn patch branchh branch causal.
SyncCausalFormat' causal branchh
-> SyncEntity' text hash defn patch branchh branch causal
{ $sel:valueHash:SyncCausalFormat :: Hash32
valueHash = hash -> Hash32
toHash32 hash
$sel:parents:SyncCausalFormat :: Vector Hash32
parents = [Hash32] -> Vector Hash32
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList ((hash -> Hash32) -> [hash] -> [Hash32]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map hash -> Hash32
toHash32 (Set hash -> [hash]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList Set hash
mungeLocalIds :: Share.LocalIds Text hash -> TempEntity.TempLocalIds
mungeLocalIds :: LocalIds Text hash -> LocalIds' Text Hash32
mungeLocalIds Share.LocalIds {[Text]
texts :: [Text]
$sel:texts:LocalIds :: forall text hash. LocalIds text hash -> [text]
texts, [hash]
hashes :: [hash]
$sel:hashes:LocalIds :: forall text hash. LocalIds text hash -> [hash]
hashes} =
{ $sel:textLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Text
textLookup = [Text] -> Vector Text
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList [Text]
$sel:defnLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Hash32
defnLookup = (hash -> Hash32) -> Vector hash -> Vector Hash32
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b hash -> Hash32
toHash32 ([hash] -> Vector hash
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList [hash]
mungeNamespaceLocalIds ::
[Text] ->
[hash] ->
[hash] ->
[(hash, hash)] ->
mungeNamespaceLocalIds :: [Text]
-> [hash]
-> [hash]
-> [(hash, hash)]
-> BranchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
mungeNamespaceLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [hash]
defnLookup [hash]
patchLookup [(hash, hash)]
childLookup =
{ $sel:branchTextLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Text
branchTextLookup = [Text] -> Vector Text
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList [Text]
$sel:branchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Hash32
branchDefnLookup = [Hash32] -> Vector Hash32
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList ((hash -> Hash32) -> [hash] -> [Hash32]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map hash -> Hash32
toHash32 [hash]
$sel:branchPatchLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Hash32
branchPatchLookup = [Hash32] -> Vector Hash32
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList ((hash -> Hash32) -> [hash] -> [Hash32]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map hash -> Hash32
toHash32 [hash]
$sel:branchChildLookup:LocalIds :: Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
branchChildLookup = [(Hash32, Hash32)] -> Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList (((hash, hash) -> (Hash32, Hash32))
-> [(hash, hash)] -> [(Hash32, Hash32)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (\(hash
x, hash
y) -> (hash -> Hash32
toHash32 hash
x, hash -> Hash32
toHash32 hash
y)) [(hash, hash)]
mungePatchLocalIds :: [Text] -> [Hash32] -> [hash] -> TempEntity.TempPatchLocalIds
mungePatchLocalIds :: [Text] -> [Hash32] -> [hash] -> PatchLocalIds' Text Hash32 Hash32
mungePatchLocalIds [Text]
textLookup [Hash32]
oldHashLookup [hash]
newHashLookup =
{ $sel:patchTextLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Text
patchTextLookup = [Text] -> Vector Text
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList [Text]
$sel:patchHashLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Hash32
patchHashLookup = [Hash32] -> Vector Hash32
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList [Hash32]
$sel:patchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: Vector Hash32
patchDefnLookup = [Hash32] -> Vector Hash32
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
Vector.fromList ((hash -> Hash32) -> [hash] -> [Hash32]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map hash -> Hash32
toHash32 [hash]
tempEntityToEntity :: Sqlite.TempEntity -> Share.Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
tempEntityToEntity :: TempEntity -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
tempEntityToEntity = \case
Entity.TC (TermFormat.SyncTerm (TermFormat.SyncLocallyIndexedComponent Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
terms)) ->
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& ((LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b (ASetter
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> LocalIds Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
Lens.over ASetter
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
forall s t a b. Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
Lens._1 LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> LocalIds Text Hash32
Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)])
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
[(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
-> ([(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
-> TermComponent Text Hash32)
-> TermComponent Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)] -> TermComponent Text Hash32
forall text hash.
[(LocalIds text hash, ByteString)] -> TermComponent text hash
TermComponent Text Hash32
-> (TermComponent Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32)
-> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& TermComponent Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
TermComponent text hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
Entity.DC (DeclFormat.SyncDecl (DeclFormat.SyncLocallyIndexedComponent Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
decls)) ->
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& ((LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString))
-> Vector (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b (ASetter
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> LocalIds Text Hash32)
-> (LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
Lens.over ASetter
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
forall s t a b. Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b
(LocalIds' Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
(LocalIds' Text Hash32)
(LocalIds Text Hash32)
Lens._1 LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> LocalIds Text Hash32
Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> (Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)])
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& Vector (LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)
-> [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
[(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
-> ([(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)]
-> DeclComponent Text Hash32)
-> DeclComponent Text Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [(LocalIds Text Hash32, ByteString)] -> DeclComponent Text Hash32
forall text hash.
[(LocalIds text hash, ByteString)] -> DeclComponent text hash
DeclComponent Text Hash32
-> (DeclComponent Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32)
-> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& DeclComponent Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
DeclComponent text hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
Entity.P SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32
format ->
case SyncPatchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32
format of
PatchFormat.SyncFull PatchFormat.LocalIds {Vector Text
$sel:patchTextLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector t
patchTextLookup :: Vector Text
patchTextLookup, Vector Hash32
$sel:patchHashLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector h
patchHashLookup :: Vector Hash32
patchHashLookup, Vector Hash32
$sel:patchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector d
patchDefnLookup :: Vector Hash32
patchDefnLookup} ByteString
bytes ->
Patch Text Hash32 Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
Patch text noSyncHash hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
{ $sel:textLookup:Patch :: [Text]
textLookup = Vector Text -> [Text]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Text
$sel:oldHashLookup:Patch :: [Hash32]
oldHashLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:newHashLookup:Patch :: [Hash32]
newHashLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:bytes:Patch :: ByteString
bytes :: ByteString
PatchFormat.SyncDiff Hash32
parent PatchFormat.LocalIds {Vector Text
$sel:patchTextLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector t
patchTextLookup :: Vector Text
patchTextLookup, Vector Hash32
$sel:patchHashLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector h
patchHashLookup :: Vector Hash32
patchHashLookup, Vector Hash32
$sel:patchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h d. PatchLocalIds' t h d -> Vector d
patchDefnLookup :: Vector Hash32
patchDefnLookup} ByteString
bytes ->
PatchDiff Text Hash32 Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
PatchDiff text noSyncHash hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
{ Hash32
$sel:parent:PatchDiff :: Hash32
parent :: Hash32
$sel:textLookup:PatchDiff :: [Text]
textLookup = Vector Text -> [Text]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Text
$sel:oldHashLookup:PatchDiff :: [Hash32]
oldHashLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:newHashLookup:PatchDiff :: [Hash32]
newHashLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:bytes:PatchDiff :: ByteString
bytes :: ByteString
Entity.N SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
format ->
case SyncBranchFormat' Hash32 Text Hash32 Hash32 (Hash32, Hash32)
format of
{ Vector Text
$sel:branchTextLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector t
branchTextLookup :: Vector Text
Vector Hash32
$sel:branchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector d
branchDefnLookup :: Vector Hash32
Vector Hash32
$sel:branchPatchLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector p
branchPatchLookup :: Vector Hash32
Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
$sel:branchChildLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector c
branchChildLookup :: Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
bytes ->
Namespace Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
Namespace text hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
{ $sel:textLookup:Namespace :: [Text]
textLookup = Vector Text -> [Text]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Text
$sel:defnLookup:Namespace :: [Hash32]
defnLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:patchLookup:Namespace :: [Hash32]
patchLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:childLookup:Namespace :: [(Hash32, Hash32)]
childLookup = Vector (Hash32, Hash32) -> [(Hash32, Hash32)]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
$sel:bytes:Namespace :: LocalBranchBytes
bytes :: LocalBranchBytes
{ Vector Text
$sel:branchTextLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector t
branchTextLookup :: Vector Text
Vector Hash32
$sel:branchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector d
branchDefnLookup :: Vector Hash32
Vector Hash32
$sel:branchPatchLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector p
branchPatchLookup :: Vector Hash32
Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
$sel:branchChildLookup:LocalIds :: forall t d p c. BranchLocalIds' t d p c -> Vector c
branchChildLookup :: Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
bytes ->
NamespaceDiff Text Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
NamespaceDiff text hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
{ Hash32
$sel:parent:NamespaceDiff :: Hash32
parent :: Hash32
$sel:textLookup:NamespaceDiff :: [Text]
textLookup = Vector Text -> [Text]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Text
$sel:defnLookup:NamespaceDiff :: [Hash32]
defnLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:patchLookup:NamespaceDiff :: [Hash32]
patchLookup = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
$sel:childLookup:NamespaceDiff :: [(Hash32, Hash32)]
childLookup = Vector (Hash32, Hash32) -> [(Hash32, Hash32)]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector (Hash32, Hash32)
$sel:bytes:NamespaceDiff :: LocalBranchBytes
bytes :: LocalBranchBytes
Entity.C Causal.SyncCausalFormat {Hash32
$sel:valueHash:SyncCausalFormat :: forall causalHash valueHash.
SyncCausalFormat' causalHash valueHash -> valueHash
valueHash :: Hash32
valueHash, Vector Hash32
$sel:parents:SyncCausalFormat :: forall causalHash valueHash.
SyncCausalFormat' causalHash valueHash -> Vector causalHash
parents :: Vector Hash32
parents} ->
Causal Hash32 -> Entity Text Hash32 Hash32
forall text noSyncHash hash.
Causal hash -> Entity text noSyncHash hash
{ $sel:namespaceHash:Causal :: Hash32
namespaceHash = Hash32
$sel:parents:Causal :: Set Hash32
parents = [Hash32] -> Set Hash32
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a
Set.fromList (Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32
mungeLocalIds :: LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> Share.LocalIds Text Hash32
mungeLocalIds :: LocalIds' Text Hash32 -> LocalIds Text Hash32
mungeLocalIds LocalIds {Vector Text
$sel:textLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h. LocalIds' t h -> Vector t
textLookup :: Vector Text
textLookup, Vector Hash32
$sel:defnLookup:LocalIds :: forall t h. LocalIds' t h -> Vector h
defnLookup :: Vector Hash32
defnLookup} =
{ $sel:texts:LocalIds :: [Text]
texts = Vector Text -> [Text]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Text
$sel:hashes:LocalIds :: [Hash32]
hashes = Vector Hash32 -> [Hash32]
forall a. Vector a -> [a]
Vector.toList Vector Hash32