module Unison.KindInference.Error.Pretty
  ( prettyKindError,

import Unison.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.KindInference.Constraint.Pretty
import Unison.KindInference.Error (ConstraintConflict (..), KindError (..))
import Unison.KindInference.UVar (UVar (..))
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv (PrettyPrintEnv)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Util.AnnotatedText qualified as AT
import Unison.Util.ColorText (Color)
import Unison.Util.Pretty (ColorText, Pretty)
import Unison.Util.Pretty qualified as Pr
import Unison.Var (Var)

-- | Pretty print a user-facing @KindError@.
prettyKindError ::
  (Var v) =>
  -- | How to print types
  (Type v loc -> Pretty ColorText) ->
  -- | How to print source spans
  ([(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText) ->
  -- | Contrasting colors used in error message output
  Color ->
  Color ->
  PrettyPrintEnv ->
  KindError v loc ->
  Pretty ColorText
prettyKindError :: forall v loc.
Var v =>
(Type v loc -> Pretty ColorText)
-> ([(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText)
-> Color
-> Color
-> PrettyPrintEnv
-> KindError v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettyKindError Type v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyType [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
showSource Color
color1 Color
color2 PrettyPrintEnv
env = \case
  CycleDetected loc
loc UVar v loc
conflictedVar ConstraintMap v loc
constraints ->
    let annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (loc
loc, Color
        (Pretty ColorText
prettyVarKind, Pretty ColorText
prettyVarKindConstraint) = PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> UVar v loc
-> (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText)
-> (Pretty ColorText, Pretty ColorText)
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> UVar v loc
-> (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText)
-> (Pretty ColorText, Pretty ColorText)
prettyCyclicUVarKind PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints UVar v loc
conflictedVar (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
        theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Cannot construct infinite kind")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
                    ( Pretty ColorText
"The above application constrains the kind of"
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
"to be infinite, generated by the constraint"
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 Pretty ColorText
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
"is the kind of"
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
conflictedVar) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
     in Pretty ColorText
  UnexpectedArgument loc
_loc UVar v loc
abs UVar v loc
arg ConstraintMap v loc
_constraints ->
    let theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Kind mismatch arising from")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
                    ( Pretty ColorText
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
"doesn't expect an argument; however,"
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
"it is applied to"
                        Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Pretty ColorText
parg Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
        annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
abs, Color
              (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
arg, Color

        pabs :: Pretty ColorText
pabs = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
        parg :: Pretty ColorText
parg = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
     in Pretty ColorText
  ArgumentMismatch UVar v loc
abs UVar v loc
expected UVar v loc
actual ConstraintMap v loc
constraints ->
    let theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Kind mismatch arising from")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
                    ( [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
                        [ Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
" expects an argument of kind: ",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc -> UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc -> UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyUVarKind PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints UVar v loc
expected) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"however, it is applied to ",
                          Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"which has kind: ",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc -> UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc -> UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyUVarKind PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints UVar v loc
actual) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
        annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
abs, Color
              (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
actual, Color

        pabs :: Pretty ColorText
pabs = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
        parg :: Pretty ColorText
parg = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
     in Pretty ColorText
  ArgumentMismatchArrow (loc
_loc, Type v loc
_cod, Type v loc
_dom) ConstraintConflict' {UVar v loc
conflictedVar :: UVar v loc
$sel:conflictedVar:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc. ConstraintConflict v loc -> UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:impliedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:conflictedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint} ConstraintMap v loc
constraints ->
    let theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Kind mismatch arising from")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
                    ( [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
                        [ Pretty ColorText
"The arrow type",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Pretty ColorText
"(" Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
prettyArrow Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"expects arguments of kind",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"however, it is applied to",
                          Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"which has kind:",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
        prettyArrow :: Pretty ColorText
prettyArrow = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 Pretty ColorText
        annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Color

        parg :: Pretty ColorText
parg = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
     in Pretty ColorText
  EffectListMismatch ConstraintConflict' {UVar v loc
$sel:conflictedVar:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc. ConstraintConflict v loc -> UVar v loc
conflictedVar :: UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:impliedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:conflictedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint} ConstraintMap v loc
constraints ->
    let theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Kind mismatch arising from")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. (ListLike s Char, IsString s) => Pretty s -> Pretty s
                    ( [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
                        [ Pretty ColorText
"An ability list must consist solely of abilities;",
                          Pretty ColorText
"however, this list contains",
                          Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"which has kind",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
                          Pretty ColorText
"Abilities are of kind ",
                          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s. Pretty s -> Pretty s (Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint) Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Pretty ColorText
        annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Color

        parg :: Pretty ColorText
parg = Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp UVar v loc
     in Pretty ColorText
  ConstraintConflict GeneratedConstraint v loc
_generatedConstraint ConstraintConflict' {UVar v loc
$sel:conflictedVar:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc. ConstraintConflict v loc -> UVar v loc
conflictedVar :: UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:impliedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
impliedConstraint, Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
$sel:conflictedConstraint:ConstraintConflict' :: forall v loc.
ConstraintConflict v loc -> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
conflictedConstraint} ConstraintMap v loc
constraints ->
    let prettySolvedConstraint' :: Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint' Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
c = Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold (PrettyPrintEnv
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
forall v loc.
Var v =>
-> ConstraintMap v loc
-> Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
-> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint PrettyPrintEnv
env ConstraintMap v loc
constraints Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc

        theErrMsg :: Pretty ColorText
theErrMsg =
          Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s.
(ListLike s Char, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> Pretty s -> Pretty s
            (Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
Pr.bold Pretty ColorText
"Kind mismatch arising from")
            ( Pretty ColorText -> [Pretty ColorText] -> Pretty ColorText
forall (f :: * -> *) s.
(Foldable f, IsString s) =>
Pretty s -> f (Pretty s) -> Pretty s
                Pretty ColorText
                [ Pretty ColorText
                  Pretty ColorText
"Expected kind: " Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color1 (Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint' Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
                  Pretty ColorText
"Given kind: " Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty Color
color2 (Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettySolvedConstraint' Constraint (UVar v loc) v loc
        annotatedSrc :: Pretty ColorText
annotatedSrc =
          [(loc, Color)] -> Pretty ColorText
            [ (UVar v loc -> loc
forall {v} {a}. UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v loc
conflictedVar, Color
     in Pretty ColorText
    varLoc :: UVar v a -> a
varLoc UVar v a
var = Term F v a -> a
forall (f :: * -> *) v a. Term f v a -> a
ABT.annotation (Term F v a -> a) -> Term F v a -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UVar v a -> Term F v a
forall v loc. UVar v loc -> Type v loc
uvarType UVar v a
    prettyTyp :: UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyTyp = Type v loc -> Pretty ColorText
prettyType (Type v loc -> Pretty ColorText)
-> (UVar v loc -> Type v loc) -> UVar v loc -> Pretty ColorText
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UVar v loc -> Type v loc
forall v loc. UVar v loc -> Type v loc

stylePretty :: Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty :: Color -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
stylePretty = (ColorText -> ColorText) -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText
forall s2 s. ListLike s2 Char => (s -> s2) -> Pretty s -> Pretty s2 ((ColorText -> ColorText) -> Pretty ColorText -> Pretty ColorText)
-> (Color -> ColorText -> ColorText)
-> Color
-> Pretty ColorText
-> Pretty ColorText
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Color -> ColorText -> ColorText
forall a. a -> AnnotatedText a -> AnnotatedText a