Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Kind inference for Unison

Unison has Type, ->, and Ability kinds

An algorithm sketch: First break all decls into strongly connected components in reverse topological order. Then, for each component, generate kind constraints that arise from the constructors in the decl to discover constraints on the decl vars. These constraints are then given to a constraint solver that determines a unique kind for each type variable. Unconstrained variables are defaulted to kind Type (just like Haskell 98). This is done by inferDecls.

Afterwards, the SolveState holds the kinds of all decls and we can check that type annotations in terms that may mention the decls are well-kinded with kindCheckAnnotations.



inferDecls :: forall v loc. (Var v, BuiltinAnnotation loc, Ord loc, Show loc) => PrettyPrintEnv -> Map Reference (Decl v loc) -> Either (NonEmpty (KindError v loc)) (SolveState v loc) Source #

Infer the kinds of all decl vars

kindCheckAnnotations :: forall v loc. (Var v, Ord loc, Show loc, BuiltinAnnotation loc) => PrettyPrintEnv -> SolveState v loc -> Term v loc -> Either (NonEmpty (KindError v loc)) () Source #

Check that all annotations in a term are well-kinded

data KindError v loc Source #

Errors that may arise during kind inference


Instances details
Show (KindError v loc) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unison.KindInference.Error


showsPrec :: Int -> KindError v loc -> ShowS #

show :: KindError v loc -> String #

showList :: [KindError v loc] -> ShowS #