Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data ShouldUseTndr m Source #

Should we use type-directed name resolution?

computeTypecheckingEnvironment :: (Var v, Monad m) => ShouldUseTndr m -> [Type v] -> (DefnsF Set TermReference TypeReference -> m (TypeLookup v Ann)) -> UnisonFile v -> m (Env v Ann) Source #

Compute a typechecking environment, given:

  • Whether or not to use type-directed name resolution during type checking.
  • The abilities that are considered to already have ambient handlers.
  • A function to compute a TypeLookup for the given set of type- or term-references.
  • The parsing environment that was used to parse the parsed Unison file.
  • The parsed Unison file for which the typechecking environment is applicable.

synthesizeFile :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => Env v Ann -> UnisonFile v -> ResultT (Seq (Note v Ann)) m (TypecheckedUnisonFile v Ann) Source #