{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}

module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Term.Format where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import U.Codebase.Reference (Reference')
import U.Codebase.Referent (Referent')
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId (ObjectId, TextId)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.LocalIds (LocalDefnId, LocalIds', LocalTextId, WatchLocalIds)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference qualified as Sqlite
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Symbol (Symbol)
import U.Codebase.Term qualified as Term
import U.Codebase.Type qualified as Type
import U.Core.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.Hash32 (Hash32)

-- |
-- * Builtin terms are represented as local text ids.
-- * Non-builtin terms are represented as local definition ids, with an added distinguished element (here @Nothing@)
--   which represents a self-reference.
type TermRef = Reference' LocalTextId (Maybe LocalDefnId)

-- |
-- * Builtin types are represented as a local text id.
-- * Non-builtin types are represented by a local definition id.
type TypeRef = Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId

type TermLink = Referent' TermRef TypeRef

type TypeLink = TypeRef

-- | A 'LocallyIndexedComponent' is a vector that has one element per member of the component (invariant: 1+).
-- Each element is a term, which is represented as:
--   * Lookup vectors that map local ids to database ids for texts and objects referenced by the term.
--   * The term itself, with internal references to local ids (offsets into the lookup vectors).
--   * The term's type, also with internal references to local id.
type LocallyIndexedComponent = LocallyIndexedComponent' TextId ObjectId

-- | A locally indexed component which uses hash references instead of database ids.
type HashLocallyIndexedComponent = LocallyIndexedComponent' Text Hash32

newtype LocallyIndexedComponent' t d = LocallyIndexedComponent
  {forall t d.
LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Vector (LocalIds' t d, Term, Type)
unLocallyIndexedComponent :: Vector (LocalIds' t d, Term, Type)}
  deriving (Int -> LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
[LocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
(Int -> LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS)
-> (LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String)
-> ([LocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS)
-> Show (LocallyIndexedComponent' t d)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
Int -> LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
[LocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
Int -> LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
show :: LocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
$cshowList :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
[LocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
showList :: [LocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS

newtype SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
  = SyncLocallyIndexedComponent (Vector (LocalIds' t d, ByteString))
  deriving stock (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
(SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
 -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool)
-> (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
    -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool)
-> Eq (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
$c== :: forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
== :: SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
$c/= :: forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
/= :: SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d
-> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> Bool
Eq, Int -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
[SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
(Int -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS)
-> (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String)
-> ([SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS)
-> Show (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
Int -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
[SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
Int -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
show :: SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d -> String
$cshowList :: forall t d.
(Show t, Show d) =>
[SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS
showList :: [SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d] -> ShowS

message = "hello, world"     -> ABT { ... { Term.F.Text "hello, world" } }    -> hashes to (#abc, 0)
program = printLine message  -> ABT { ... { Term.F.App (ReferenceBuiltin ##io.PrintLine) (Reference #abc 0) } } -> hashes to (#def, 0)

text table =
  id         text
  -- ------------
   1 hello, world
   2      message
   3      program
   4         Text
   5           IO
   6         Unit
   7 io.PrintLine

hash table =
  id base32
  -- ------
  10    abc
  11    def

hash_object table =
  hash_id object_id hash_version
  ------- --------- ------------
       10        20            2

object table =
  { 20 ->
      LocallyIndexedComponent [
        (localIds = LocalIds {
            text = [1,4]
            defs = []
        term = ABT { ... { Term.F.Text (LocalTextId 0) } },
        type = ABT { ... { Term.FT.Ref (Builtin (LocalTextId 1)) }}

    21 ->
      LocallyIndexedComponent [
        (localIds = LocalIds {
            text = [7,5,6]
            defs = [20]
        term = ABT { ... { Term.F.App (ReferenceBuiltin (LocalTextId 7) (ReferenceId (LocalDefnId 0) 0) } },
        type = ABT { ... { Term.FT.App (Term.FT.Ref (Builtin (LocalTextId 0))) (Term.FT.Ref (Builtin (LocalTextId 1))) } }

type F =
  Term.F' LocalTextId TermRef TypeRef TermLink TypeLink Symbol

type FT = Type.F' TypeRef

type Term = ABT.Term F Symbol ()

type Type = ABT.Term FT Symbol ()

-- * Type of Term

-- Maybe these should have a LocalIds index too; or share one with the term?
type FTT = Type.F' Sqlite.Reference

type TypeOfTerm = ABT.Term FTT Symbol ()

type TermFormat = TermFormat' TextId ObjectId

-- | A TermFormat which uses hash references instead of database ids.
type HashTermFormat = TermFormat' Text Hash32

data TermFormat' t d = Term (LocallyIndexedComponent' t d)

type SyncTermFormat = SyncTermFormat' TextId ObjectId

data SyncTermFormat' t d = SyncTerm (SyncLocallyIndexedComponent' t d)
  deriving stock (SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
(SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool)
-> (SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool)
-> Eq (SyncTermFormat' t d)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
$c== :: forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
== :: SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
$c/= :: forall t d.
(Eq t, Eq d) =>
SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
/= :: SyncTermFormat' t d -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> Bool
Eq, Int -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> ShowS
[SyncTermFormat' t d] -> ShowS
SyncTermFormat' t d -> String
(Int -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> ShowS)
-> (SyncTermFormat' t d -> String)
-> ([SyncTermFormat' t d] -> ShowS)
-> Show (SyncTermFormat' t d)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => Int -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> ShowS
forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => [SyncTermFormat' t d] -> ShowS
forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => SyncTermFormat' t d -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => Int -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> SyncTermFormat' t d -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => SyncTermFormat' t d -> String
show :: SyncTermFormat' t d -> String
$cshowList :: forall t d. (Show t, Show d) => [SyncTermFormat' t d] -> ShowS
showList :: [SyncTermFormat' t d] -> ShowS

data WatchResultFormat
  = WatchResult WatchLocalIds Term

data SyncWatchResultFormat
  = SyncWatchResult WatchLocalIds ByteString