{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

-- | This module facilitates the creation of "localized" versions of objects, suitable for storage.
-- Localization is a stateful process in which the real database identifiers contained within an object, e.g. 'DbBranch', are canonicalized
-- as local identifiers counting up from 0 in the order they are encountered in the object. The association between real and local
-- identifier is captured in a vector, where the @ith@ index maps local identifier @i@ to the real identifier it corresponds to.
-- For example, consider a branch object that refers to terms @#foo@ and @#bar@. In totally made-up syntax,
-- @
-- branch = {
--   terms = [#foo, #bar]
-- }
-- @
-- The localized version of this branch would be
-- @
-- branch = {
--   terms = [0, 1]
-- }
-- terms = [#foo, #bar]
-- @
-- where all terms, types, etc. within the @branch@ structure refer to offsets in the associated vectors.
module U.Codebase.Sqlite.LocalizeObject
  ( localizeBranch,

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict qualified as State
import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
import Data.Generics.Product (HasField (..))
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import U.Codebase.Reference (Reference')
import U.Codebase.Referent (Referent')
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Branch.Format (BranchLocalIds)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Branch.Format qualified as Branch
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Branch.Full (Branch' (..), DbBranch, LocalBranch)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Branch.Full qualified as Branch
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.LocalIds
  ( LocalBranchChildId (..),
    LocalDefnId (..),
    LocalHashId (..),
    LocalPatchObjectId (..),
    LocalTextId (..),
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.Format (PatchLocalIds, PatchLocalIds')
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.Format qualified as Patch
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.Full (LocalPatch, Patch, Patch' (..))
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TermEdit (LocalTermEdit, TermEdit')
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TypeEdit (LocalTypeEdit, TypeEdit')
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Reference (LocalReference, LocalReferenceH)
import U.Codebase.Sqlite.Referent (LocalReferent, LocalReferentH)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Util.Map qualified as Map
import Unison.Util.Set qualified as Set

-- High-level localization

-- | Localize a branch object.
localizeBranch :: DbBranch -> (BranchLocalIds, LocalBranch)
localizeBranch :: DbBranch -> (BranchLocalIds, LocalBranch)
localizeBranch = DbBranch -> (BranchLocalIds, LocalBranch)
forall t d p c.
(Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) =>
Branch' t d p c -> (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)

-- | Generalized form of 'localizeBranch'.
localizeBranchG :: forall t d p c. (Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) => Branch' t d p c -> (Branch.BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
localizeBranchG :: forall t d p c.
(Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) =>
Branch' t d p c -> (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
localizeBranchG (Branch Map t (Map (Referent'' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
terms Map t (Map (TypeReference' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
types Map t p
patches Map t c
children) =
  (Identity (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
-> (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
forall a. Identity a -> a
runIdentity (Identity (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
 -> (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch))
-> (StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranch
    -> Identity (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch))
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranch
-> (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranch
-> Identity (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, LocalBranch)
forall (m :: * -> *) t d p c a.
(Monad m, Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) =>
StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a
-> m (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, a)
runLocalizeBranch) do
     (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
     (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Map
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
        (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
-> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId
-> LocalBranch
forall t h p c.
Map t (Map (Referent'' t h) (MetadataSetFormat' t h))
-> Map t (Map (TypeReference' t h) (MetadataSetFormat' t h))
-> Map t p
-> Map t c
-> Branch' t h p c
      (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
      (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
 -> Map
         (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
         (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
 -> Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
 -> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId
 -> LocalBranch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
           (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
           (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
           (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
           (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
      -> Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
      -> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId
      -> LocalBranch)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (Map (Referent'' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d)
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
            (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
            (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> Map t (Map (Referent'' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
           (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
           (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText ((Referent'' t d
 -> StateT
      (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
      (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> (MetadataSetFormat' t d
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
         (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Map (Referent'' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
        (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
        (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse Referent'' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall d t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Referent' (Reference' t d) (Reference' t d)
-> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReferent MetadataSetFormat' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeBranchMetadata) Map t (Map (Referent'' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
  (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
        (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
   -> Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
   -> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId
   -> LocalBranch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
           (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
           (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
      -> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId -> LocalBranch)
forall a b.
StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity (a -> b)
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity a
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (Map (TypeReference' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d)
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
            (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
            (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> Map t (Map (TypeReference' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
           (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
           (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText ((TypeReference' t d
 -> StateT
      (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
      (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> (MetadataSetFormat' t d
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
         (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Map (TypeReference' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
        (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse TypeReference' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall d s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReference MetadataSetFormat' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeBranchMetadata) Map t (Map (TypeReference' t d) (MetadataSetFormat' t d))
  (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
  (Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId
   -> Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId -> LocalBranch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId -> LocalBranch)
forall a b.
StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity (a -> b)
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity a
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (p
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalPatchObjectId)
-> Map t p
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalPatchObjectId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText p
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalPatchObjectId
forall p s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsPatches p s, Monad m) =>
p -> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId
localizePatchReference Map t p
  (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
  (Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId -> LocalBranch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId)
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranch
forall a b.
StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity (a -> b)
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity a
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (c
    -> StateT
         (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranchChildId)
-> Map t c
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Map LocalTextId LocalBranchChildId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText c
-> StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) Identity LocalBranchChildId
forall c s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsBranches c s, Monad m) =>
c -> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId
localizeBranchReference Map t c
    localizeBranchMetadata ::
      Branch.MetadataSetFormat' t d ->
      State (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) (Branch.MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
    localizeBranchMetadata :: MetadataSetFormat' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeBranchMetadata (Branch.Inline Set (TypeReference' t d)
refs) =
      Set (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
-> MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId
forall t h. Set (Reference' t h) -> MetadataSetFormat' t h
Branch.Inline (Set (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
 -> MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Set (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (MetadataSetFormat' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (TypeReference' t d
 -> StateT
      (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
      (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Set (TypeReference' t d)
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Set (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
forall (f :: * -> *) b a.
(Applicative f, Ord b) =>
(a -> f b) -> Set a -> f (Set b)
Set.traverse TypeReference' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
     (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall d s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReference Set (TypeReference' t d)

-- | Localize a patch object.
localizePatch :: Patch -> (PatchLocalIds, LocalPatch)
localizePatch :: Patch -> (PatchLocalIds, LocalPatch)
localizePatch = Patch -> (PatchLocalIds, LocalPatch)
forall t h d.
(Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) =>
Patch' t h d -> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)

localizePatchG :: forall t h d. (Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) => Patch' t h d -> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
localizePatchG :: forall t h d.
(Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) =>
Patch' t h d -> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
localizePatchG (Patch Map (Referent'' t h) (Set (TermEdit' t d))
termEdits Map (Reference' t h) (Set (TypeEdit' t d))
typeEdits) =
  (Identity (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
-> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
forall a. Identity a -> a
runIdentity (Identity (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
 -> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch))
-> (StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalPatch
    -> Identity (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch))
-> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalPatch
-> (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalPatch
-> Identity (PatchLocalIds' t h d, LocalPatch)
forall t h d a (m :: * -> *).
(Monad m, Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) =>
StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a
-> m (PatchLocalIds' t h d, a)
runLocalizePatch) do
  (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
  (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Map
     (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
     (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> LocalPatch
forall t h o.
Map (Referent'' t h) (Set (TermEdit' t o))
-> Map (Reference' t h) (Set (TypeEdit' t o)) -> Patch' t h o
   (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
   (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
 -> Map
      (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
      (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
 -> LocalPatch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
        (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
        (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
        (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
      -> LocalPatch)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Referent'' t h
 -> StateT
      (LocalizePatchState t h d)
      (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId))
-> (Set (TermEdit' t d)
    -> StateT
         (LocalizePatchState t h d)
         (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> Map (Referent'' t h) (Set (TermEdit' t d))
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
        (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
        (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse Referent'' t h
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall h s t (m :: * -> *) r.
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m,
 r ~ Reference' t h) =>
Referent' r r -> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
localizeReferentH ((TermEdit' t d
 -> StateT
      (LocalizePatchState t h d)
      (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Set (TermEdit' t d)
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (Set (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
forall (f :: * -> *) b a.
(Applicative f, Ord b) =>
(a -> f b) -> Set a -> f (Set b)
Set.traverse TermEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeTermEdit) Map (Referent'' t h) (Set (TermEdit' t d))
  (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
     (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
   -> LocalPatch)
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
        (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalPatch
forall a b.
StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity (a -> b)
-> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity a
-> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (Reference' t h
 -> StateT
      (LocalizePatchState t h d)
      (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId))
-> (Set (TypeEdit' t d)
    -> StateT
         (LocalizePatchState t h d)
         (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
-> Map (Reference' t h) (Set (TypeEdit' t d))
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
        (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
        (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a' a b b'.
(Applicative f, Ord a') =>
(a -> f a') -> (b -> f b') -> Map a b -> f (Map a' b')
Map.bitraverse Reference' t h
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall h s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
localizeReferenceH ((TypeEdit' t d
 -> StateT
      (LocalizePatchState t h d)
      (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Set (TypeEdit' t d)
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (Set (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
forall (f :: * -> *) b a.
(Applicative f, Ord b) =>
(a -> f b) -> Set a -> f (Set b)
Set.traverse TypeEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeTypeEdit) Map (Reference' t h) (Set (TypeEdit' t d))
    localizeTermEdit :: (TermEdit' t d) -> State (LocalizePatchState t h d) LocalTermEdit
    localizeTermEdit :: TermEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeTermEdit =
      (t -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (d -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalDefnId)
-> TermEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> TermEdit' a b -> f (TermEdit' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText d -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalDefnId
forall d s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, Monad m) =>
d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId

    localizeTypeEdit :: TypeEdit' t d -> State (LocalizePatchState t h d) LocalTypeEdit
    localizeTypeEdit :: TypeEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeTypeEdit =
      (t -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalTextId)
-> (d -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalDefnId)
-> TypeEdit' t d
-> StateT
     (LocalizePatchState t h d)
     (TypeEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> TypeEdit' a b -> f (TypeEdit' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse t -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText d -> StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) Identity LocalDefnId
forall d s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, Monad m) =>
d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId

-- General-purpose localization

-- Contains references to branch objects.
class (Ord c) => ContainsBranches c s where
  branches_ :: Lens' s (Map c LocalBranchChildId)

-- Contains references to definition objects i.e. term/decl component objects.
class (Ord d) => ContainsDefns d s where
  defns_ :: Lens' s (Map d LocalDefnId)

-- Contains references to objects by their hash.
class (Ord h) => ContainsHashes h s where
  hashes_ :: Lens' s (Map h LocalHashId)

-- Contains references to patch objects.
class (Ord p) => ContainsPatches p s where
  patches_ :: Lens' s (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)

-- Contains text.
class (Ord t) => ContainsText t s where
  texts_ :: Lens' s (Map t LocalTextId)

-- The inner state of the localization of a branch object.
data LocalizeBranchState t d p c = LocalizeBranchState
  { forall t d p c. LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Map t LocalTextId
texts :: Map t LocalTextId,
    forall t d p c. LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Map d LocalDefnId
defns :: Map d LocalDefnId,
    forall t d p c.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Map p LocalPatchObjectId
patches :: Map p LocalPatchObjectId,
    forall t d p c.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Map c LocalBranchChildId
branches :: Map c LocalBranchChildId
  deriving (Int -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> ShowS
[LocalizeBranchState t d p c] -> ShowS
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> String
(Int -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> ShowS)
-> (LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> String)
-> ([LocalizeBranchState t d p c] -> ShowS)
-> Show (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
Int -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> ShowS
forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
[LocalizeBranchState t d p c] -> ShowS
forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
Int -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> String
show :: LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> String
$cshowList :: forall t d p c.
(Show t, Show d, Show p, Show c) =>
[LocalizeBranchState t d p c] -> ShowS
showList :: [LocalizeBranchState t d p c] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x.
 LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
-> Generic (LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
forall x.
Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
forall x.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall t d p c x.
Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
forall t d p c x.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x
$cfrom :: forall t d p c x.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x
from :: forall x.
LocalizeBranchState t d p c -> Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x
$cto :: forall t d p c x.
Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
to :: forall x.
Rep (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) x -> LocalizeBranchState t d p c

instance (Ord t) => ContainsText t (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) where
  texts_ :: Lens' (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) (Map t LocalTextId)
texts_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"texts"

instance (Ord d) => ContainsDefns d (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) where
  defns_ :: Lens' (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) (Map d LocalDefnId)
defns_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"defns"

instance (Ord p) => ContainsPatches p (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) where
  patches_ :: Lens' (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
patches_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"patches"

instance (Ord c) => ContainsBranches c (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) where
  branches_ :: Lens' (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
branches_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"branches"

-- | Run a computation that localizes a branch object, returning the local ids recorded within.
runLocalizeBranch :: forall m t d p c a. (Monad m, Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) => StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a -> m (Branch.BranchLocalIds' t d p c, a)
runLocalizeBranch :: forall (m :: * -> *) t d p c a.
(Monad m, Ord t, Ord d, Ord p, Ord c) =>
StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a
-> m (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, a)
runLocalizeBranch StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a
action = do
result, (LocalizeBranchState Map t LocalTextId
localTexts Map d LocalDefnId
localDefns Map p LocalPatchObjectId
localPatches Map c LocalBranchChildId
localChildren)) <- StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a
-> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
-> m (a, LocalizeBranchState t d p c)
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
State.runStateT StateT (LocalizeBranchState t d p c) m a
action (Map t LocalTextId
-> Map d LocalDefnId
-> Map p LocalPatchObjectId
-> Map c LocalBranchChildId
-> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
forall t d p c.
Map t LocalTextId
-> Map d LocalDefnId
-> Map p LocalPatchObjectId
-> Map c LocalBranchChildId
-> LocalizeBranchState t d p c
LocalizeBranchState Map t LocalTextId
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Map d LocalDefnId
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Map p LocalPatchObjectId
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Map c LocalBranchChildId
forall a. Monoid a => a
  let branchLocalIds :: Branch.BranchLocalIds' t d p c
      branchLocalIds :: BranchLocalIds' t d p c
branchLocalIds =
          { $sel:branchTextLookup:LocalIds :: Vector t
Branch.branchTextLookup = Map LocalTextId t -> Vector t
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map t LocalTextId -> Map LocalTextId t
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map t LocalTextId
            $sel:branchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: Vector d
Branch.branchDefnLookup = Map LocalDefnId d -> Vector d
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map d LocalDefnId -> Map LocalDefnId d
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map d LocalDefnId
            $sel:branchPatchLookup:LocalIds :: Vector p
Branch.branchPatchLookup = Map LocalPatchObjectId p -> Vector p
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map p LocalPatchObjectId -> Map LocalPatchObjectId p
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map p LocalPatchObjectId
            $sel:branchChildLookup:LocalIds :: Vector c
Branch.branchChildLookup = Map LocalBranchChildId c -> Vector c
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map c LocalBranchChildId -> Map LocalBranchChildId c
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map c LocalBranchChildId
  (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, a) -> m (BranchLocalIds' t d p c, a)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (BranchLocalIds' t d p c
branchLocalIds, a

-- The inner state of the localization of a patch object.
data LocalizePatchState t h d = LocalizePatchState
  { forall t h d. LocalizePatchState t h d -> Map t LocalTextId
texts :: Map t LocalTextId,
    forall t h d. LocalizePatchState t h d -> Map h LocalHashId
hashes :: Map h LocalHashId,
    forall t h d. LocalizePatchState t h d -> Map d LocalDefnId
defns :: Map d LocalDefnId
  deriving (Int -> LocalizePatchState t h d -> ShowS
[LocalizePatchState t h d] -> ShowS
LocalizePatchState t h d -> String
(Int -> LocalizePatchState t h d -> ShowS)
-> (LocalizePatchState t h d -> String)
-> ([LocalizePatchState t h d] -> ShowS)
-> Show (LocalizePatchState t h d)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
Int -> LocalizePatchState t h d -> ShowS
forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
[LocalizePatchState t h d] -> ShowS
forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
LocalizePatchState t h d -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
Int -> LocalizePatchState t h d -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> LocalizePatchState t h d -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
LocalizePatchState t h d -> String
show :: LocalizePatchState t h d -> String
$cshowList :: forall t h d.
(Show t, Show h, Show d) =>
[LocalizePatchState t h d] -> ShowS
showList :: [LocalizePatchState t h d] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x.
 LocalizePatchState t h d -> Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x -> LocalizePatchState t h d)
-> Generic (LocalizePatchState t h d)
forall x.
Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x -> LocalizePatchState t h d
forall x.
LocalizePatchState t h d -> Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall t h d x.
Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x -> LocalizePatchState t h d
forall t h d x.
LocalizePatchState t h d -> Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x
$cfrom :: forall t h d x.
LocalizePatchState t h d -> Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x
from :: forall x.
LocalizePatchState t h d -> Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x
$cto :: forall t h d x.
Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x -> LocalizePatchState t h d
to :: forall x.
Rep (LocalizePatchState t h d) x -> LocalizePatchState t h d

instance (Ord t) => ContainsText t (LocalizePatchState t h d) where
  texts_ :: Lens' (LocalizePatchState t h d) (Map t LocalTextId)
texts_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"texts"

instance (Ord h) => ContainsHashes h (LocalizePatchState t h d) where
  hashes_ :: Lens' (LocalizePatchState t h d) (Map h LocalHashId)
hashes_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"hashes"

instance (Ord d) => ContainsDefns d (LocalizePatchState t h d) where
  defns_ :: Lens' (LocalizePatchState t h d) (Map d LocalDefnId)
defns_ = forall (field :: Symbol) s t a b.
HasField field s t a b =>
Lens s t a b
field @"defns"

-- Run a computation that localizes a patch object, returning the local ids recorded within.
runLocalizePatch :: forall t h d a m. (Monad m, Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) => StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a -> m (PatchLocalIds' t h d, a)
runLocalizePatch :: forall t h d a (m :: * -> *).
(Monad m, Ord t, Ord h, Ord d) =>
StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a
-> m (PatchLocalIds' t h d, a)
runLocalizePatch StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a
action = do
result, (LocalizePatchState Map t LocalTextId
localTexts Map h LocalHashId
localHashes Map d LocalDefnId
localDefns)) <- StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a
-> LocalizePatchState t h d -> m (a, LocalizePatchState t h d)
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
State.runStateT StateT (LocalizePatchState t h d) m a
action (Map t LocalTextId
-> Map h LocalHashId
-> Map d LocalDefnId
-> LocalizePatchState t h d
forall t h d.
Map t LocalTextId
-> Map h LocalHashId
-> Map d LocalDefnId
-> LocalizePatchState t h d
LocalizePatchState Map t LocalTextId
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Map h LocalHashId
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Map d LocalDefnId
forall a. Monoid a => a
  let patchLocalIds :: PatchLocalIds' t h d
      patchLocalIds :: PatchLocalIds' t h d
patchLocalIds =
          { $sel:patchTextLookup:LocalIds :: Vector t
Patch.patchTextLookup = Map LocalTextId t -> Vector t
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map t LocalTextId -> Map LocalTextId t
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map t LocalTextId
            $sel:patchHashLookup:LocalIds :: Vector h
Patch.patchHashLookup = Map LocalHashId h -> Vector h
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map h LocalHashId -> Map LocalHashId h
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map h LocalHashId
            $sel:patchDefnLookup:LocalIds :: Vector d
Patch.patchDefnLookup = Map LocalDefnId d -> Vector d
forall k v. Map k v -> Vector v
Map.valuesVector (Map d LocalDefnId -> Map LocalDefnId d
forall b a. Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
Map.swap Map d LocalDefnId
  (PatchLocalIds' t h d, a) -> m (PatchLocalIds' t h d, a)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PatchLocalIds' t h d
patchLocalIds, a

-- Localize a branch object reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains branch references.
localizeBranchReference :: (ContainsBranches c s, Monad m) => c -> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId
localizeBranchReference :: forall c s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsBranches c s, Monad m) =>
c -> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId
localizeBranchReference =
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m) LocalBranchChildId)
  (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
-> StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m LocalBranchChildId
-> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId
forall c.
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m) c)
  (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
-> StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m c -> StateT s m c
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom (Map c LocalBranchChildId
 -> Focusing m LocalBranchChildId (Map c LocalBranchChildId))
-> s -> Focusing m LocalBranchChildId s
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m) LocalBranchChildId)
  (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
forall c s.
ContainsBranches c s =>
Lens' s (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
Lens' s (Map c LocalBranchChildId)
branches_ (StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m LocalBranchChildId
 -> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId)
-> (c -> StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m LocalBranchChildId)
-> c
-> StateT s m LocalBranchChildId
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. c -> StateT (Map c LocalBranchChildId) m LocalBranchChildId
forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId

-- Localize a definition object reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains definition
-- references.
localizeDefn :: (ContainsDefns d s, Monad m) => d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId
localizeDefn :: forall d s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, Monad m) =>
d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId
localizeDefn =
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m) LocalDefnId)
  (Map d LocalDefnId)
-> StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m LocalDefnId
-> StateT s m LocalDefnId
forall c.
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m) c) s (Map d LocalDefnId)
-> StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m c -> StateT s m c
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom (Map d LocalDefnId -> Focusing m LocalDefnId (Map d LocalDefnId))
-> s -> Focusing m LocalDefnId s
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m) LocalDefnId)
  (Map d LocalDefnId)
forall d s. ContainsDefns d s => Lens' s (Map d LocalDefnId)
Lens' s (Map d LocalDefnId)
defns_ (StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m LocalDefnId
 -> StateT s m LocalDefnId)
-> (d -> StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m LocalDefnId)
-> d
-> StateT s m LocalDefnId
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. d -> StateT (Map d LocalDefnId) m LocalDefnId
forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId

-- Localize a hash reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains hash references.
localizeHash :: (ContainsHashes h s, Monad m) => h -> StateT s m LocalHashId
localizeHash :: forall h s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, Monad m) =>
h -> StateT s m LocalHashId
localizeHash =
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m) LocalHashId)
  (Map h LocalHashId)
-> StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m LocalHashId
-> StateT s m LocalHashId
forall c.
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m) c) s (Map h LocalHashId)
-> StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m c -> StateT s m c
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom (Map h LocalHashId -> Focusing m LocalHashId (Map h LocalHashId))
-> s -> Focusing m LocalHashId s
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m) LocalHashId)
  (Map h LocalHashId)
forall h s. ContainsHashes h s => Lens' s (Map h LocalHashId)
Lens' s (Map h LocalHashId)
hashes_ (StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m LocalHashId
 -> StateT s m LocalHashId)
-> (h -> StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m LocalHashId)
-> h
-> StateT s m LocalHashId
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. h -> StateT (Map h LocalHashId) m LocalHashId
forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId

-- Localize a patch object reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains patch references.
localizePatchReference :: (ContainsPatches p s, Monad m) => p -> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId
localizePatchReference :: forall p s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsPatches p s, Monad m) =>
p -> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId
localizePatchReference =
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m) LocalPatchObjectId)
  (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
-> StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m LocalPatchObjectId
-> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId
forall c.
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m) c)
  (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
-> StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m c -> StateT s m c
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom (Map p LocalPatchObjectId
 -> Focusing m LocalPatchObjectId (Map p LocalPatchObjectId))
-> s -> Focusing m LocalPatchObjectId s
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m) LocalPatchObjectId)
  (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
forall p s.
ContainsPatches p s =>
Lens' s (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
Lens' s (Map p LocalPatchObjectId)
patches_ (StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m LocalPatchObjectId
 -> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId)
-> (p -> StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m LocalPatchObjectId)
-> p
-> StateT s m LocalPatchObjectId
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. p -> StateT (Map p LocalPatchObjectId) m LocalPatchObjectId
forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId

-- Localize a reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains references.
localizeReference :: (ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) => Reference' t d -> StateT s m LocalReference
localizeReference :: forall d s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReference =
  (t -> StateT s m LocalTextId)
-> (d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId)
-> Reference' t d
-> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Reference' a b -> f (Reference' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId
forall d s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, Monad m) =>
d -> StateT s m LocalDefnId

-- Localize a possibly-missing reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains
-- possibly-missing references.
localizeReferenceH :: (ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) => Reference' t h -> StateT s m LocalReferenceH
localizeReferenceH :: forall h s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
localizeReferenceH =
  (t -> StateT s m LocalTextId)
-> (h -> StateT s m LocalHashId)
-> Reference' t h
-> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Reference' a b -> f (Reference' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText h -> StateT s m LocalHashId
forall h s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, Monad m) =>
h -> StateT s m LocalHashId

-- Localize a referent in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains referents.
localizeReferent :: forall d t s m. (ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) => (Referent' (Reference' t d) (Reference' t d)) -> StateT s m LocalReferent
localizeReferent :: forall d t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Referent' (Reference' t d) (Reference' t d)
-> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReferent =
  (Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> (Reference' t d
    -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId))
-> Referent' (Reference' t d) (Reference' t d)
-> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Referent' a b -> f (Referent' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall d s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
localizeReference Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)
forall d s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsDefns d s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t d -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalDefnId)

-- Localize a possibly-missing referent in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains possibly-missing
-- referents.
localizeReferentH :: (ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m, r ~ Reference' t h) => Referent' r r -> StateT s m LocalReferentH
localizeReferentH :: forall h s t (m :: * -> *) r.
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m,
 r ~ Reference' t h) =>
Referent' r r -> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
localizeReferentH =
  (r -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId))
-> (r -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId))
-> Referent' r r
-> StateT s m (Referent'' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Referent' a b -> f (Referent' c d)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a c b d.
(Bitraversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f (t c d)
bitraverse r -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall h s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
localizeReferenceH r -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)
forall h s t (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsHashes h s, ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
Reference' t h -> StateT s m (Reference' LocalTextId LocalHashId)

-- Localize a text reference in any monad that encapsulates the stateful localization of an object that contains text.
localizeText :: (ContainsText t s, Monad m) => t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText :: forall t s (m :: * -> *).
(ContainsText t s, Monad m) =>
t -> StateT s m LocalTextId
localizeText =
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m) LocalTextId)
  (Map t LocalTextId)
-> StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m LocalTextId
-> StateT s m LocalTextId
forall c.
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m) c) s (Map t LocalTextId)
-> StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m c -> StateT s m c
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *) s t c.
Zoom m n s t =>
LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c
zoom (Map t LocalTextId -> Focusing m LocalTextId (Map t LocalTextId))
-> s -> Focusing m LocalTextId s
  (Zoomed (StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m) LocalTextId)
  (Map t LocalTextId)
forall t s. ContainsText t s => Lens' s (Map t LocalTextId)
Lens' s (Map t LocalTextId)
texts_ (StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m LocalTextId
 -> StateT s m LocalTextId)
-> (t -> StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m LocalTextId)
-> t
-> StateT s m LocalTextId
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. t -> StateT (Map t LocalTextId) m LocalTextId
forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId

-- Resolve a real id to its corresponding local id, either by looking it up in a map, or else using the next available local id, which is
-- recorded for next time.
localize :: (Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) => realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId
localize :: forall localId (m :: * -> *) realId.
(Coercible localId Word64, Monad m, Ord realId) =>
realId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId
localize realId
realId = do
  Map realId localId
mapping <- StateT (Map realId localId) m (Map realId localId)
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => StateT s m s
  case realId -> Map realId localId -> Maybe localId
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup realId
realId Map realId localId
mapping of
    Maybe localId
Nothing -> do
      let nextLocalId :: localId
nextLocalId = forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce @Word64 (Int -> Word64
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Map realId localId -> Int
forall k a. Map k a -> Int
Map.size Map realId localId
      Map realId localId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s. Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
State.put (Map realId localId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m ())
-> Map realId localId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! realId -> localId -> Map realId localId -> Map realId localId
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert realId
realId localId
nextLocalId Map realId localId
      pure localId
    Just localId
localId -> localId -> StateT (Map realId localId) m localId
forall a. a -> StateT (Map realId localId) m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure localId