Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- reportBugURL :: Pretty
- type Pretty = Pretty ColorText
- shortenDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
- renderFileName :: FilePath -> IO Pretty
- notifyNumbered :: NumberedOutput -> (Pretty, NumberedArgs)
- undoTip :: Pretty ColorText
- notifyUser :: FilePath -> Output -> IO Pretty
- prettyShareError :: ShareError -> Pretty
- prettyDownloadEntitiesError :: DownloadEntitiesError -> Pretty
- prettyBranchRef :: BranchRef -> Pretty
- prettyDownloadEntitiesErrorV2 :: DownloadEntitiesError -> Pretty
- prettyInvalidBranchRef :: Text -> BranchRef -> Pretty
- prettyGetCausalHashByPathError :: GetCausalHashByPathError -> Pretty
- prettyPullError :: PullError -> Pretty
- prettyPullV2Error :: PullError -> Pretty
- prettySyncErrorV2 :: SyncError -> Pretty
- prettyUploadEntitiesError :: UploadEntitiesError -> Pretty
- prettyEntityValidationFailure :: EntityValidationError -> Pretty
- prettyTransportError :: CodeserverTransportError -> Pretty
- unexpectedServerResponse :: ResponseF ByteString -> Pretty
- responseRequestId :: Response -> Maybe Text
- prettyEntityType :: EntityType -> Pretty
- invalidRepoInfo :: Text -> RepoInfo -> Pretty
- hashMismatchFromShare :: Hash32 -> Hash32 -> Pretty
- pushPublicNote :: InputPattern -> Text -> [Text] -> Pretty
- needDependencies :: NeedDependencies Hash32 -> Pretty
- noReadPermissionForPath :: Path -> Pretty
- noReadPermissionForRepo :: RepoInfo -> Pretty
- noWritePermissionForPath :: Path -> Pretty
- noWritePermissionForRepo :: RepoInfo -> Pretty
- notFastForward :: Path -> Pretty
- shareProjectNotFound :: Text -> Pretty
- shareUserNotFound :: RepoInfo -> Pretty
- formatMissingStuff :: (Show tm, Show typ) => [(HashQualified Name, tm)] -> [(HashQualified Name, typ)] -> Pretty
- displayOutputRewrittenFile :: Var v => FilePath -> [v] -> IO Pretty
- displayDefinitions' :: Var v => Ord a1 => PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map Reference (DisplayObject () (Decl v a1)) -> Map Reference (DisplayObject (Type v a1) (Term v a1)) -> Pretty
- displayRendered :: Maybe FilePath -> Pretty -> IO Pretty
- displayTestResults :: Bool -> [(HashQualified Name, [Text])] -> [(HashQualified Name, [Text])] -> Pretty
- unsafePrettyTermResultSig' :: Var v => PrettyPrintEnv -> TermResult' v a -> Pretty
- renderNameConflicts :: Int -> Names -> Numbered Pretty
- type Numbered = State (Int, Seq StructuredArgument)
- addNumberedArg :: StructuredArgument -> Numbered Int
- formatNum :: Int -> Pretty
- runNumbered :: Numbered a -> (a, NumberedArgs)
- handleTodoOutput :: TodoOutput -> Numbered Pretty
- listOfDefinitions :: Var v => FindScope -> PrettyPrintEnv -> ListDetailed -> [SearchResult' v a] -> IO Pretty
- listOfNames :: String -> Int -> [(Reference, [HashQualified Name])] -> [(Referent, [HashQualified Name])] -> IO Pretty
- data ShowNumbers
- showDiffNamespace :: forall v. Var v => ShowNumbers -> PrettyPrintEnv -> AbsBranchId -> AbsBranchId -> BranchDiffOutput v Ann -> (Pretty, NumberedArgs)
- noResults :: FindScope -> Pretty
- listOfDefinitions' :: Var v => FindScope -> PrettyPrintEnv -> ListDetailed -> [SearchResult' v a] -> Pretty
- watchPrinter :: Var v => Text -> PrettyPrintEnv -> Ann -> WatchKind -> Term v () -> IsCacheHit -> Pretty
- filestatusTip :: Pretty
- prettyDiff :: Diff -> Pretty
- numberedArgsForEndangerments :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) -> NumberedArgs
- endangeredDependentsTable :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) -> Pretty ColorText
- listFind :: Bool -> Maybe Pretty -> [HashQualified Name] -> Pretty
- listDependentsOrDependencies :: PrettyPrintEnv -> Text -> Text -> Set LabeledDependency -> [HashQualified Name] -> [HashQualified Name] -> Pretty
- displayProjectBranchReflogEntries :: Maybe UTCTime -> MoreEntriesThanShown -> [Entry Project ProjectBranch (CausalHash, ShortCausalHash)] -> (Pretty, NumberedArgs)
notifyNumbered :: NumberedOutput -> (Pretty, NumberedArgs) Source #
prettyShareError :: ShareError -> Pretty Source #
prettyBranchRef :: BranchRef -> Pretty Source #
prettyPullError :: PullError -> Pretty Source #
prettyPullV2Error :: PullError -> Pretty Source #
prettySyncErrorV2 :: SyncError -> Pretty Source #
prettyEntityType :: EntityType -> Pretty Source #
pushPublicNote :: InputPattern -> Text -> [Text] -> Pretty Source #
noReadPermissionForPath :: Path -> Pretty Source #
notFastForward :: Path -> Pretty Source #
shareProjectNotFound :: Text -> Pretty Source #
shareUserNotFound :: RepoInfo -> Pretty Source #
formatMissingStuff :: (Show tm, Show typ) => [(HashQualified Name, tm)] -> [(HashQualified Name, typ)] -> Pretty Source #
displayDefinitions' :: Var v => Ord a1 => PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map Reference (DisplayObject () (Decl v a1)) -> Map Reference (DisplayObject (Type v a1) (Term v a1)) -> Pretty Source #
displayTestResults :: Bool -> [(HashQualified Name, [Text])] -> [(HashQualified Name, [Text])] -> Pretty Source #
unsafePrettyTermResultSig' :: Var v => PrettyPrintEnv -> TermResult' v a -> Pretty Source #
runNumbered :: Numbered a -> (a, NumberedArgs) Source #
listOfDefinitions :: Var v => FindScope -> PrettyPrintEnv -> ListDetailed -> [SearchResult' v a] -> IO Pretty Source #
listOfNames :: String -> Int -> [(Reference, [HashQualified Name])] -> [(Referent, [HashQualified Name])] -> IO Pretty Source #
data ShowNumbers Source #
ShowNumbers | |
HideNumbers |
showDiffNamespace :: forall v. Var v => ShowNumbers -> PrettyPrintEnv -> AbsBranchId -> AbsBranchId -> BranchDiffOutput v Ann -> (Pretty, NumberedArgs) Source #
is just for rendering type signatures
`oldPath, newPath :: Path.Absolute` are just for producing fully-qualified
numbered args
listOfDefinitions' :: Var v => FindScope -> PrettyPrintEnv -> ListDetailed -> [SearchResult' v a] -> Pretty Source #
watchPrinter :: Var v => Text -> PrettyPrintEnv -> Ann -> WatchKind -> Term v () -> IsCacheHit -> Pretty Source #
prettyDiff :: Diff -> Pretty Source #
numberedArgsForEndangerments :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) -> NumberedArgs Source #
Get the list of numbered args corresponding to an endangerment map, which is used by a
few outputs. See endangeredDependentsTable
endangeredDependentsTable :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> Map LabeledDependency (NESet LabeledDependency) -> Pretty ColorText Source #
Format and render all dependents which are endangered by references going extinct.
listDependentsOrDependencies :: PrettyPrintEnv -> Text -> Text -> Set LabeledDependency -> [HashQualified Name] -> [HashQualified Name] -> Pretty Source #