Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




getDeclElementNumConstructors :: MonadGet m => m Int Source #

Get the number of constructors in a decl element.

getTypeFromTermAndType :: MonadGet m => m Type Source #

Decode ONLY the type of a term-component element. This is useful during sync and when we need the type of a term component element but don't want to decode the whole term (which can be expensive).

Exported for Share

putSingleTerm :: MonadPut m => Term -> m () Source #

Encode a single term without its type or component. Don't use this on its own unless you're encoding a watch result.

putLocalIdsWith :: MonadPut m => (t -> m ()) -> (d -> m ()) -> LocalIds' t d -> m () Source #

getLocalIdsWith :: MonadGet m => m t -> m d -> m (LocalIds' t d) Source #